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Burnout_Avenged Blog


Yesterday, me and my dad went all around London looking for a new PlayStation 3. We finally got a 40GB with Spider Man 3 on Blu-Ray and The Orange Box. All for just £329! I think it was a pretty good deal. The only thing we need to do now is buy a few separate cables so we can link it up to the surround sound and get the net features going. Believe me, setting up a PlayStation 3's Network is not easy. We've called the BT help & support line at least three times now.

Also, can someone tell me how to download CDs onto my HDD? I got the music player running but there isn't any way of copying it in.

PlayStation 3

I'm getting a PlayStation 3 tomorrow! My dad's tried extra hard and we're going to get a 60GB version 2nd hand with a few games! I know it's second hand but if we find a scratch on it, we'll take the shop to court. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Confirmed

Ok, so, I've finally persuaded my mum to buy me a PlayStation 3 for Christmas. Now I need the TV. I already have a five year old SDTV and a new 60 Hz flat panel TV, but I really want an HDTV. I need your help and ideas to get me into a position where we need a new TV. If anyone knows how to break an SDTV from the inside, then that would be great. Just send me a PM on how to do that and I'll owe you big time.



P.S. Does anyone know if a TV goes to 60 Hz, does that mean it's HD? I don't think it does but I would like to know.

Making a Union


I need four commited people to help me make a PlayStation Union. My requirements:

You go on GameSpot at least every three or four days.

You only own a Sony console excluding PCs.

You are able to help maintain the Union on your own if I am busy.

As you can see, I am only a low level at the moment, and this is just to get my levels up, but I do plan on making this a decent Union.

It's Christmas Time... Almost

Ok, so only 17 days until Christmas and at the moment, I'm having the trouble persuading my mum that the "PlayStation 3 does need the £480 LCD tv to run". It doesn't really, but I really want the tv. Also, I'm trying to persuade her that F.E.A.R. isn't all that bad and I should be allowed it when I'm five years younger than the age limit (do the maths people). Please leave some comments about what you're getting for Christmas (I don't get why I'm saying this- I'm only going to get jealous:)).

Games Console Run-Down

Here's my countdown, from the very worst consoles- to the very best.






Very Poor



Good, the Best Handheld



A Great HD Console



Good, But Expensive



The Very Best

There you go.