I am just curious as to whether the Infra red radiation is cancerous or something for the body thanks
Sure....If you stand infront of it for a couple of years. Same thing will happen if you....ummm....Stand outside in the SUN too long. That can be cancersous to the body as well.
I have both XBox 360 and PS3. I have more friends that have XBox360, so I play that more. I dont care about exclusives unless its a game I really want. I got my PS3 for free, so I'm lucky I can play the exclusives on that system. I'd like to play Epic Mickey, but Im not going to run out and get a WII. I guess I'm just too cheap to do that.
you know trash talking, a little team killing (it was L4D sooo) and on other ocations sending messages with the f-bomb.Spire88
So what your saying is you send 12 year olds messages with the FBomb? Are you an adult? If you are, and your arguing...WITH 12 YEAR OLDS....then maybe you SHOULD get into trouble.
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