[QUOTE="chaoscougar1"][QUOTE="CAWZY"]god forbid different things anger different people, i mean that would make us all individuals right? My problem with his statement was that there is a big world full of real things to Rage (don't forget the random "R") about. Is CAWZY implying that video games simply do not exist? How do they not exist? Is there not a disc containing all of the data? Can't we not physically see the effects of said disc? If you do not consider this physical representation of a video games to mean is isn't real than neither is glare from the sun. I get all types of frustrated (which could lead to rage depending on the person) when I have to drive an hour directly towards the sun. I get frustrated because I can't see s***. But because video games are not "real" then neither is sun glare.... If you are going to say something isn't real then at least explain your logic. Because I would love to see why video games are not real. Hell I would love you to explain to people that they need to stop raging over religion...If you "Rage" over a video game.......you've got issues. If you feel like your going to Raaaaaage over a video game, go take a walk Hulk. Theres a big world full of real things to Rage about.
Real, as in the things in the game dont actually exist. You shoot someone in game no one actaually dies. You shoot someone in real life they die and there are consequences. In a game when mariomisses a jumpand falls into lava, he dies then maybe comes back to life, if he has enough lives. If a guy named mario jumps into a pool of lava in real life...he probably wont come back. Not really that hard to understand. If someone keeps killing my character in a video game it could get me frustrated and make me angry, sure. If someone kills my whole family in real life then I would probably rage.I dont think there is anythingwrong withgetting a bitangry over a game. But to get so angry that you smash things...or worse.....If you do that, then you have issues.
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