Who gives a S**t if it made more than Avatar??Hmmmm....Its and Asian movie...with Asian movie stars....and there are a lot of Asians in the world....and it was aparentlya good movie to them.... Let me do some quick math here......Lots of Asian people + PopularAsian movie+ movie theater ticketprice = Oh wow look!! Lots of money!
well avatar was shown in asia, europe, australia, and i'm pretty sure world wide. worlds population > asia's population
I didnt say Asia, I said Asians in the world. But.....why care which one made mroe money.......Thats the point.
Who gives a S**t if it made more than Avatar??Hmmmm....Its and Asian movie...with Asian movie stars....and there are a lot of Asians in the world....and it was aparentlya good movie to them.... Let me do some quick math here......Lots of Asian people + PopularAsian movie+ movie theater ticketprice = Oh wow look!! Lots of money!
I would enjoy sitting and watching people try to escape thier house, through a window (which is probably thier bedroom window, and is probably on a second floor), with a TV, Computer, Xbox, PS3....etc, etc, etc, other stupid things to take. lol
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