She says it plays like the best games of the series then cites a negative for too much backtracking. Has she ever played any of the good Resident Evil games?
@wizemanschaos @CFritzRun They had publishers after development. They were developed without any need for publisher funding or direction. This is why indie games satisfy gamers even though they lack in graphics. A publisher tells you what game to make because they have the money.
@Acardorin @Yatsukiii Clearly you should count yourself out as there is no metaphor in the above article. The context tells us that if they allow backward compatibility, then they're backwards which, by extension, is calling what we want backwards.
@pspearman @GSGuy321 It is news when you compare other viable options for publishing an indie game. Then compare to the free to play platform that is becoming very popular and it begins to look downright stupid. It doesn't matter that it's not really changed, the point is once again they do nothing to cater to the gamers.
CFritzRun's comments