@Syphon_Filter2 I'm like you, I really enjoy my Vita. They don't have much in the way of great games quite yet but I hope they don't give up. Gravity Rush was a sleeper hit in my opinion and so far is probably the strongest game on the system. With that said, they haven't really provided much of an incentive for people to buy it, unless you already have PSN+. It's still too expensive for a handheld so until it drops in price and better titles are released, it's unfortunately going to get worse in sales and support.
Jeez, they're making several (supposed) mistakes here. Online capability being a requirement is just downright idiotic because in the U.S., around 120 million people do not have broadband access. So, there goes that. Forcing people to buy new games and only new games will, once again, turn off half the gaming crowd. Lastly, for the love of all that is sacred and holy, do not call it the 720. It's just stupid for so many reasons. They would also do well to remove the obscene amount of dashboard ads since I pay $60/year. Microsoft really needs to take a step back and look at what they offer their customers. They should thank their lucky stars they even made it this far with the horrendous launch of the 360.
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