@R2C25 @CFritzRun You are just unbelievably stupid in so many ways. You can't read and clearly can't type either. Retail price is $60. That's Microsoft's regular price. I don't care about Bieber either, hence, my complaining about it. I also obviously have XBL or I wouldn't know what I'm talking about. Grow up.
@Gekko135 It crashes on me after a few videos just about every time I use it. The keyboard's predictive text is pretty decent but I agree that overall it's pretty annoying to use.
@R2C25 @CFritzRun You're the exact kind of idiot they pander to. For starters, I don't subscribe to cable because internet. Same goes for bus, because car. How are they deterrent to gamers' experiences? Well, let's see....the Xbox has at any time running about 5 or more streaming ads, which bogs the system down, not to mention if you accidentally scroll over them, the sound levels are always too high. I don't pay for PSN and I practically have to go out of my way to find ads. My point is, people don't buy consoles to have Justin Bieber advertised to them after they pay $60 for a year just to be able to play online. The ads are a nuisance and the content therein goes a long way to point out how out of focus the console has become. Hence this article. Microsoft even goes so far as to endorse the ads with Kinect compatibility so you will click it and they will make even more money. Their focus is on money, not content.
I love my Vita. I really, really do. But I can't help but wonder why they are working on a second iteration when there are barely any games to play on the damned thing. God! Is every gaming company just completely out of touch with their core audience?! All these companies just keep doing stupid things, which is inexcusable in the age of Twitter and stuff like that when they can straight up ask their customers what they're looking for in a Vita/PS4.
I would prefer if Microsoft revert back to the original blade layout for the 360 dashboard. Each dashboard iteration has just made more room for ads. Hell, even if you enjoyed premium themes, they are absolutely worthless now. The metro interface sucks and the amount of ads on their console sucks. They also try to advertise Rick Ross right next to Justin Bieber and a movie recommendation you've never even heard of based off one thing you watched on Xbox video back when it was called the Zune Marketplace.
CFritzRun's comments