JC2 had it's fair share of issues that needed improvement and I'm sure they'll address them for part 3. That said, there's nothing more gratifying than grappling someone to a propane tank, shooting the propane tank and watching the guy go flying off as the tank spirals out of control. I absolutely can't wait for a third installment.
If they start to block major parts of the game (online blockage is already ridiculous), you shouldn't buy their system. Seriously, the publishers and manufacturers are too big for their pants and it's high time we stop buying their extremely restricted, practically loaned game. Whether they like it or not, used games are a crucial part of the overall industry. The only way for them to get the idea, is to stop buying their systems. Crash the industry all over again so that creative development is returned to the real innovators and not the idiots calling the shots that want to sell you a peripheral that they will no longer support in 2 years.
At this point, the industry has stagnated anyway. There are a lot of very impressive independent developers out there that develop because they love gaming. They should be the ones shining, but so long as we keep buying into this pointless charade of useless features then they will keep making pumping them out. These manufacturers don't listen to their customers. Sure Sony is saying it will "do the right thing" but that doesn't mean shit.
@john420420420 @CFritzRun @zowbaid It's sad that nowadays, the most creative games are often independently created. It's like all these publishers want is money or something, lol. You're right though, I just want a new, original experience. There have been some here and there but publishers have found a niche where they can copy and paste their games once every year or two.
@IJONOI @CFritzRun @zowbaid @john420420420 Believe me, I want it to be good. I hated seeing Sony reeling with the failure, so to speak, of the PS3. I believed the PS3 offered a more gamer oriented experience, but going the way of Facebook and crap like that turns me off so fast. I know I don't have to integrate it but that's just R&D that could have been better spent elsewhere.
@zowbaid @CFritzRun @john420420420 Expected more out of a major contender in the awesome console war. Since they didn't say everything, as I stated earlier, I guess we will find out more as time goes along. I'm open minded but not easily sold.
@john420420420 @zowbaid @CFritzRun You could put Linux on the PS3, until they took that away. What difference does it make? When the PS3 came out, in fact, people preferred its power over a comparably priced computer. The PS4 will not be treated the same way.
CFritzRun's comments