@limelight022 @CFritzRun Absolutely. Sadly, the fact that you didn't run in guns blazing probably turned off a majority of the crowd. It was refreshing to rely on quick thinking and evasive actions.
@Alexk91 I couldn't care less about the sense of humor. I was too focused on seeing if I can launch three enemies in the air, feed one to a carnivorous plant, shoot the other dudes crotch off then impaling the last guy. That's humor in and of itself. Lol, good times.
It's a shame because apparently People Can Fly messed Gears of War Judgement up pretty bad. Every time someone buys a copy from my store, they return it saying the Judgement multiplayer is complete garbage. I wish they could have stuck with Bulletstorm 2. Sometimes it may take one or two iterations before a fresh IP takes off and Bulletstorm definitely deserved a second chance. I mean, if Call of Juarez and Army of Two can afford to keep pumping out sequels, then surely Bulletstorm could have done it, especially with EA and Epic at the helm.
@frylock616 This is true, but the publisher funds the game and generally dictates the direction if they decide they don't like it. Activision is the worst for this kind of stuff. Still though, I think the game looks pretty cool based off this trailer.
I just want whoever gets the rights to Red Faction to do it justice. Armageddon was a complete waste of time. Just another of the many games that sent THQ down the path to bankruptcy.
God the reviews on the site are just going downhill. This game eeks out a 7.0 because the story didn't satisfy his needs. Meanwhile, Slender, a one trick pony type game, squeezes out an 8.5? The hell is going on here? The really interesting thing is how far off from general public opinions they are on both games.
CFritzRun's comments