Now it makes a bit more sense that Sony was so vague during their reveal conference. They're letting Microsoft make the mistakes so they can (hopefully) come out next week and say, "We're going to do the exact opposite of Microsoft."
I hope that they update the PC controllers to that style. Probably would have to buy it new otherwise I'd have to pay a fee for buying a used controller.
@PinchySkree @TrueGB 1/3 of the country has little to no access to the internet. Some people buy consoles for this exact reason. PC is rapidly shifting to digital, with many more games and launchers requiring an internet connection. Furthermore, the upfront cost for a gaming PC is at least $1,000. Consoles may not be able to be upgraded, but they are more affordable and cost effective way to game. Believe it or not, some people don't actually care that the game is running on insane resolution and are able to overlook graphical shortcomings or hiccups. You seem to be saying that PC gaming is perfect and anyone that doesn't buy a PC enjoys keeping "the quality of current games down." That's just stupid.
@Iamshmee @baxwam I want to say the statute of spoiler limitations probably expires after about 6 years. Plus, come on, how good can the story be knowing that?
They clearly deemed this as catering to the zombie loving audience before everyone got their undies in a wad. I happen to think it's pretty badass. Why would you apologize for memorabilia when the content of the game is the actual process of dismembering people? They say they're committed to this never happening again, so be on the lookout for the next Dead Island special edition to contain a box of rainbows.
I kind of wish Deep Silver would do for SR4 what THQ did for SR3. If you preordered directly through the publisher, you got the season pass for free. Amazing preorder bonus. In all honesty, probably the best preorder bonus ever.
CFritzRun's comments