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Wow alot of bashing threds about the ps3 will flop today. It seems like some fanboys got upset by some good pics on

Uncharted. And that 1.5 million are using the PSN


yea that must be the reason :roll: a average looking game that looks like tomb raider and some unimpressive user total for psn w00p de freaking d00


Tomb raider was a good game and certainly wasn't average compared to other games.. and thats half the PS3s userbase who signed up for PSN, thats pretty impressive so far for it's first 6 months.

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[QUOTE="Davis092"]What Sony fans need to realize is that just because games look good, doesn't meaan they are good. I mean look at Warioware.gnutux
Warioware is amazing. gnutux


You think warioware would sell at all on the PS triple? not at all.. even if the PS3 was insanely cheap.. it would look and play like crap ammongst all the good games that are coming out.

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[QUOTE="the-very-best"]I don't expect consumers to ignore Uncharted, Killzone, Ratchet and Clank Future, and GTAIV later this year.Lilac_Benjie

Animal Crossing and Brain Age will sell consoles.


Right.... So if them 2 games where ported to the PS3 or 360 you think they would sell consoles?  No they wouldn't... mini games just don't work on a $600 console... Those games sell because there on a cheaper console that appeals to casuals and newb gamers.. Thats the only reason wii is selling because it's cheap and there are so many mindless casuals out there that would take cheap over quality gaming simply because they don't want to spend that much... 

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I'd say resistance: fall of man simply because I cannot get into the beta... I wasn't prepared to pay £40 for crackdown, didn't like the demo but I will most certainly get Halo 3 when it's out.  But if you're asking me which game is better... then I'd have to say resistance fall of man. I'm having so much fun with it.. Couldn't get into Halo 2 for XBOX but liked Halo 1 on the PC..
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What do you expect, it's an FPS, all they can do is add new weapons, new maps and some gimmicky new feature.  The real deal is in the singleplayer I hope.
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Dude, You do understand Gamecube had maybe like 8 games worth owning right?


SHeep should never bring in sales OF ANY SORT to an argument between GC and PS2.


:| :| :|

The 33 GC games I own disagree with you.....

No way, I have about 33 GC games as well. *high fives*

All worth owning, and can be found at like $15 right now...

Half of which are multiplats :roll:

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DMC 1 --- 2.77 million

DMC 2 --- 1.69 million

DMC 3 --- 1.62 million

Total---6.08 million

SSBM---6.58 million

PS2s --- 117.89 million

GCs --- 21.59 million

PS2s outsold GCs by more than 5.46 times. Yet, SSBM outsells DMC1,2,3 COMBINED! The funniest part of this ownage is Twilight Princess for Wii has already sold more than every DMC game. :lol: Wii has an install base of 7.09 million right now compared to 117.89 million PS2s. Yet, Wii has a game already that has beaten every DMC in sales. :lol:

TP is one of the worst selling Nintendo Zelda's ever in Japan...and it still has beaten all DMC game sales worldwide in 6 months time period. Even Wii Play has sold more than every DMC game. There are a few Mario Party games that have outsold all DMC games.

Cows, you have been overhyping how popular this franchise is for years. Yes, DMC franchise is popular, but it IS NOT NEARLY as popular as you have made it sound. And BTW you really think DMC4 will sell a lot on PS3, seeing as the install base is going to be much nearly as high as PS2, and the game is now multiplat?

Cow excuses

1. PS2 has so many great games and it is hard to have a franchise as popular as Halo and SSBM.

2. Gamecube and Xbox had few great titles, so of course Halo and SSBM were wildly popular and this explains why it sold more than DMC 1,2,3 combined.

Yes, PS2 had a lot of great games. There 117.89 million PS2s in homes. If a PS2 game is great, cows will buy it. GTA: San Andreas sold 14.88 million on PS2.

"Bu bu but DMC franchise is a megahit monster and still owns you all!" :roll:



You're using that as ownage?? wow, sheep really have nothin better than sales figures to use, they must be compensating since the ps2 completely distroyed your flopcube.

as for the reason why SSBM sold more, its really simple, the game has a larger fanbase than that of DMC, plus DMC isn't for everyone.

I still fail to see you point, because SSBM sold more does that make DMC bad?? YOU FAIL IN SO MANY WAYS.

I never once said DMC was bad. You just assumed that is what I thought. And you are wrong in your assumption. DMC is great IMO. I just made this post to show the cows that DMC franchise isn't NEARLY AS POPULAR as many of them believe it is. That was the point of my post. Yet, I keep getting excuses left and right. I mean, cows were crying over DMC4 becoming multiplat when it was announced. Some even went as far as to say that "PS3 iz teh doomed!" The franchise isn't that popular.

So what if it's not popular, people will buy it and enjoy it regardless of what anyone else might think.. because they like it obviously.. So what is the point of this thread again...  oh your trying to prove to cows that DMC isnt as popular as SSBM... but they already know that... duh... sooo..

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Dude, You do understand Gamecube had maybe like 8 games worth owning right?


SHeep should never bring in sales OF ANY SORT to an argument between GC and PS2.


Yes, PS2 had 100s more games than Gamecube...yet GTA:SA sold 14.88 million on PS2 anyway. If there is a game a cow wants, then he/she buys the game. It is that simple. It really doesn't matter how many games there are on a system. If your argument were true, then PC games should never have a million seller because PCs have been around for many, many years and have TONS of games...If someone wants a game badly enough, he/she will buy it. Also, with the HUGE INSTALL BASE PS2 has, it is surprising DMC games didn't sell better.


So if gamecube sold 100mil you think SSBM would of sold alot more than 6 mill? Possibly but I doubt it would of sold 100mil... games don't sell based on how many consoles have sold.. they sell well based on whoever likes that paticular genre or game duh.  You think all 100million PS2 owners liked hack n slash games?

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So what are you trying to prove? eveyone already knew DMC isnt the big system seller? and it's coming to 360 now...
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enough of the handheld crap and old gen crap SE.. It's next gen now...