CHRIS_K_UK's forum posts
No he is right, nothing we haven't seen or played before. Solid AA title if you ask me.Wasdie
I could say the same for every XBOX 360 game just about, except for maybe gears, it's all been done before.
[QUOTE="CHRIS_K_UK"]In oblivion you didn't really get to mold your character into anything... you just picked his profession lvled him up the way you wanted, picked his skills.. blah blah.. then in the end, he just turned out how any other character would of, an uber fighting machine... Then you just went about with doing the quests and the main storyline... you can call that freedom if you want.. but it's all just the same thing each time you playthrough it but in a different order.. -Sora
I have four characters in that game, an Assassin, Mage, Thief, Warrior. Mix it up instead of making a Nord with the Warrior Class
I've got 1 character he is all of those you list :P and all he needs to get through the entire game is his hammer and some picklocks.. thats all I need to get through the entire quest line. Everything else is just pointless.
I was just wounderring what types of games people like the most Real Life Simulators like realistic sports games, racing sims etc or completely surreal games like mario or pikmin. Even phantasy worlds that still look life like, like Oblivion or just plain made up worlds like Paper Mario. Reason i ask is real life sims and plain realistic worlds just seem boring and pointless to play, its outside your window, i never play a game unless its completly surreal and takes me somewhere new, wacky and interresting.
Yeah because it's so fun and intresting staring out the window watching people walk by :|
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