Wii will die in a year because its gimmick will get old.
PS3 is built to last 10 years.
PS3 will be a joke in terms of hardware in under 3 years -- quote me on that. it might still be around in 10 years, but the games will look like trash compared to the alternatives ;) whatever they might be.
What alternatives are they? The PC? Thats the only thing I can think of... We all new PC will have the better hardware but will flop due to pirating. Gears of war has pretty much used up all of 360's juice..
The only reason i want ps3 games to come to x360 is so i can laugh at the cows for losing exclusive games not because i want to play their crappy games.plat1num913
Thats pretty sad of you.. makes me want to laugh even more so.Â
I'm more intrested in what nintendo's plans are next gen cause lets face wii isnt very future proof... what could nintendo possibly do with there next gen console in 2012, up the graphics? I thought nintendo where so against graphics.. Unless they make some new gimicky feature.. whatever could that be..
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