CHRIS_K_UK's forum posts
[QUOTE="Unkind223"]The graphics are great but what amuses you guys about this game?Deevoshun
Better looking paper mario graphix, but I still dont get it either, I mean its a lot of hype for a side scroller.
Don't dumb it down to just a side scroller game because it's got alot more to it than that...and the graphics are far better than papr mario :|
[QUOTE="Gears360"]Yep, every Wii bash thread starts like this.Face it,
Yep and no surprise there always right.
[QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="subrosian"][QUOTE="iunderstand"][QUOTE="subrosian"][QUOTE="Keibo"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Looks better then FFXIII?
Man sheep are really letting these sales figures go to their heads.
erm, dude no sheep said that it looked better than FFXIII only a level 1 with 5 posts.... fake account... I think so...:|
Yeah, but Bread is right, the sheep have been letting sales figures go to their heads, "our system is selling better, therefore it is better" ...
In any case, I love that texture he's floating, water, mashed potatoes with windex gravy? Who knows!
Doesn't every fanboy think their system is better?
Yes... but the "more sales = better system" arguement is getting annoying. Crystal Chronicles is a terrible game - the sequel won't be any better. Look at the crap Square Enix has churned out lately.... tell me Radiata Stories is anything special.
SE is a dissapointment.
Crystal Chronicles - multiplayer hack-n-slash
Crisis Core - single player action
Dissidia - fighting game
Last Remnant - large scale hack-n-slash
Silpheed - space shooter
None of these are genres they've done well in in the past, Silpheed and Last Remnant are unknowns, though Last Remnant looks like a Dynasty warriers clone, and I can't image an on-rails space shooter from SE being anything impresive.
The only upcoming games with promise are the ones in the FF XIII line.
Actually Lost Remnant is a JRPG, NOT a ......hack & slash game, it is not even real time in battles !!! Also is a full RPG, with story, FMV, stats to improve, summons, magic, towns to explore, and generally everyhting FF13 has, so it is full RPG grom the info i have, unless you have so link to prove it is a ...hack and shash game
On the other hand FF13 versus is NOT an RPG, they call it an action title, directly from Square
Hmm... "action title" - great - we really need another Dirge of Cerberus. I'm not counting on Lost Remnants to do anything but suck harder than the Hoover I just ordered off Amazon - why bother with it? The Xbox 360 has Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey coming, can we really expect Remnants to compete with those? My bet is on "no".
Well seeing as it's made by square-enix it sure as bloody hell should stand a chance at competing with them... What makes you think BD or LO is going to be any good either?
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