CLeRKSfan4life's forum posts
I've just read the review for this game and I'm so dissapointed that this got a 3.5. I've got Dave Mirra 2 for the XBOX and it's pretty great.
My main point though is this: Is this the lowest rated Wii game so far when it comes to GS scores? It's the lowest I've seen.
Most of the people that complain about graphics are "Hardcore" gamers who's first console was a PS2.
For the people (like me)that still play the PS1, Saturn, Megadrive, N64 ect. regularly, they don't care as much about amazing graphics. Those (like me) that still play older games are more interested in the general art style and the atmosphere. 300 million polygons a second running at 60fps with friction calculated depth of field particle effects running in 1080p doesn't create art. It helps it look better but it doesn't make it.
Having said that though, there are some bad looking games on the Wii like Far Cry Vengeance. Another game that gets a lot of crap for it's graphics is GT Pro Series which I think is a nice looking game. Red Steel's later levels (and especially the last one) look awesome. Excite Truck is also a great looking game as well as plenty of others. Stop whining, play some more older stuff and realise that great graphics don't just come from specs.
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