You cannot pick up and hide bodies :| The dumbass writing on the walls, arrow prompts and weird Sam Fisher ghost things when you're in cover are stupid. "Marking" enemies for executon takes away the challenge. The enemy AI is cretinous. Moving from cover to cover is effortless. Infinite pistol ammo even on Realistic. The stealth is dumbed way down.
I knew the stealth/action ratio had shifted in this installment but it's too much. The demo wasn't bad by any means, just not quite what I want or expect from Splinter Cell. I'm still giving the full game a chance, I have been waiting 4 years after all.
Yet people had no problem in the past with the BRIGHT GLOWING GREEN LIGHT on your back. Just sitting there hiding in the shows, with this bright as daylight green light and yet the guard/enemies somehow could not see it. I've always loved SC but that garbage always ticked me off.
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