The gifs and pics in this thread are hilarious, LOL! Bloodbourne better get at least an 8+ or it will be even worse of a flop since it is getting even more hype.
COVAtheNOVA's forum posts
Any one who buys this now is seriously wasting their money. $60 or more for a 5 hour SP game? If you really want to play it, I'd wait it out a month or two. It will be half off by May and if you wait until holiday 2015, it will most likely be a $10 game by then with the sales.
I predicted a 6 or 7 from GS. Actually got a point worse. Kind of figured once the 4 to 5 hours of gameplay rumors started. You can't have that in this day and age with a SP only game. For an SP only game, that has been in development for 5 years, it better be at least 15 to 20 hours and those 15 to 20 hours better be amazing, otherwise you have The Order 1886.
The TR reboot was one of my favorite games of last generation and from the sound of things, ROTR will take that series to an even higher level. For the Uncharted series, the 2nd game was it's best. Uncharted 4 looks more of the same. No doubt it will be a great game, but I'm much more excited for ROTR.
Probably a lot of 8s and 9s. It is pretty much Jet Set Radio, with a wacky arsenal of guns, mutants and a deep customization system. Basically it is cross between JSR and RC, which means it should be a great game.
MCC has a shot. I mean you get 4 AAA games, 100+ maps and the Halo 5 beta. Not sure we will see a better package this year in terms of content.
Shouldn't be much hype for this game. Low amount of cars. Low amount of tracks. Was delayed multiple times. Guessing it will be a 5 or 6.
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