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What happened last Thursday

I'm just going to make it very brief.

  • Heidy was dating a guy for couple of weeks
  • Eric was dating a girl for couple of weeks
  • Tuesday, Heidy broke up with his bf
  • heidy wanted to go out with Eric
  • Eric accepted and they did
  • Thursday, Eric's gf found out and broke up with him
  • Heidy's x-bf found out also and through a gum pack at her
  • Heidy said it was sexual assault? (What?)
  • Eric and Heidy then went out for 2 days, and then broke up because of some argument we don't know about...yet.

I'm going to finish off by saying that Christmas is only a week away! Oh, man! it feels like it isn't but it really is! I hope i get the Xbox360. I would be really glad to get.

Usually, my presents would either be many games and little random things or an expensive thing and little random things. lol! I'll post up my christmas list up tomorrow maybe.

I got to go now. see ya around GS! :) (meaning just your blogs lol!)

Bands and their albums i added to my ipod

these are the bands and their albums i added to my library of music. All of them are what my brother have and he let me choose the music i want. So here they are.

Here are the bands and the albums of them i added to my ipod.

AC/DC: Back in Black, Black Ice

The Beatles: Abbey Road, White Album 1 and 2, Magical Mystery Tour, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Black Sabbath: Greatest Hits 1970-1978

The Bravery- The Bravery

The Flaming Lips- Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell

John Lennon: Working Cla$$ Hero: The Definitive Lennon Disc 2

John Mayer: Continuum

The Killers: Hot Fuss

Led Zeppelin: Houses of the Holy, Led Zeppelin 1, 2, 3, and 4

Mae: The Everglow, Singularity

Pearl Jam: Ten

Queen: Greatest Hits (Hollywood)

Red Hot Chili Peppers: By the Way, Greatest Hits (Warner Bros), Stadium Arcadium Disc 1 and 2

Snow Patrol: Eyes Open

There u go.
If u like any of them, cool. Because of this i now have 413 songs. Woo!

tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow I'll explain what happened on Thursday last week.


Has anyone seen... + things that happened this weekend

has anyone seen the movie, The Bird Cage? I saw at 12:00am with my brother and sister :P It was very strange...considering it consisted couple ...*ahem* but I'm just wondering if anyone seen the movie.

Thursday, my sister came home from college, the day of my band Winter Concert at school. Oh, and BTW, it wasn't that exciting, but we had to wear tuxedos. (plus, some drama went on too but I might explain it all in a different blog). On friday, my brother and his girlfriend came home from college. After dinner, me, my sis, bro and his gf played Apples to Apples, the card game. Such a funny game! :D really fun! we played for a long time! I think for 2-3 hours! each of us ended up with over 25 green cards (if u know what that means thats great :D, if u dont, sorry, i won't explain :P). then after that we watched Madagascar. Saturday, my parents had a holiday party for their friends, so i stayed up in my room for pretty much the whole night, playing video games (I had to move my Wii upstairs BTW) and on the laptop. Not much to say about today. I'm just making my Christmas list for my parents. this actually quite shocking because i usually released my list right after Thanksgiving :o but i still haven't given my list to them yet, or made it :P

This whole week was a drag and it was very annoying considering what happened on Thursday. If u would like to know, tell me. i might not, but if u don't say anything about it, i might tell u anyway. I'll tell u who is involved before i tell u though. It's about Heidy and her bf and my friend, and Eric and his gf. well, i should say ex-bf and ex-gf. And don't guess please. I want it to be a surprise. ;)

Oh, and tell me if u want me to post a commet on ur blog. :) Christmas is almost here! Woo! :D


AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Not Final Exams!!! + stuff about buses

Well, we didn't start yet, but next week we will. Boy am I going to hate this week. I'm going to have so many tests and quizzes and assignments that I'm going to have to spend less time on the computer and games so i can do studying and all that jazz. But that's not a promise ;) :P but i do need to study for... pretty much all of my exams. Except for band, cuz that's going to be easy. really easy. This week is pretty much review week and next week will be exam week and our holiday starts next Friday! Woo! Plus, Tuesday-Friday we will be let out early cuz we only do the exams (2 per day, except next Tuesday) and then leave at 1:00 instead of 4:15. i hate getting out at 4:15 cuz the bus i take, it takes an hour to get to our neighborhood! This is one reason i don't like the bus. my bus stop is one of the last ones and it takes too long to get to the neighborhood. i also hate it when there is too many people on the bus. Actually, my bus right now isn't TOO crouded. it fills up almost the whole bus and there isnt very many problems with 3 people being in one seat. it doesn't happen that much. The bus i was on in 6th grade, ok, now THAT bus was crowded! there 3 people in one seat on almost every seat. being in a crowded bus is annoying and so were the people too. I was so relieved i didn't have to take the bus in 7th and 8th grade. This year it isn't so bad. I have plenty of friends on my bus now so that's a good thing. Now what could be the problem with the bus this year? The bus driver. Yes, the bus driver. Yeah and so far he has gotten onto me and my friends at least once about either us hitting each other or calling each other bad names. We get really mad at him. And today, the bus is driving off to leave the school and my friends and I see another friend chasing after the bus. The bus got to a point where it's ABLE to stop and let our friend in but the bus driver wouldn't let him. What happened after that? My friend flicked him off...not a smart move, but the bus driver almost ran over my friend's foot when he was driving away. lol yeah i kinda get into the bus subject randomly but it's in my blog title :P

so what happens on exam week (next week). Tuesday, 1st period exam. Wed. 2nd and 3rd period exams. Thurs. 4th and 5th period exams. and Fri. 6th and 7th period exams. and on those 4 days we get out early. then after friday's exams is the start of the holidays! :D we don't get back to school until jan. 6 so we have practically 3 weeks of Winter break! woo! :D

I'm going to stop there. Hope u guys have a hopefully good last few weeks of 1st semester! (for those of u who do).


The songs my band did for the UIL Marching Contest

These songs are the songs my school band did at our UIL Marching Contest. Note, that these versions are MUCH longer than the music we did. These are just the whole verions of the music. My favorite is Mars. listen to them for a good 8-10 minutes. They all sound really cool. although Venus is probably the most boring one since it's called Venus, the Bringer of PEACE. Anyway, feel free to listen.




U might want to relax while listening as they are at least 7 minutes or more.

Enjoy :)


Some cool ideas how Animal Crossing could be better!

  • Customize the whole town! Where the stores go, the Town Hall, Museum, Neighbor's houses, and the river. plus if u want the elevation thing
  • have K.K. play different instruments. maybe its not his thing but its a good idea.
  • New and different random visitors that come into town on random days. like what Sahara, Dr. Shrunk, that Walrus, and Gracie did in Wild World.
  • maybe some new kind of items. meaning like furniture, paper, shirts, or accesories. just like another kind of category like that.
  • being able to expand the Able Sisters
  • more events like fishing and bug catching contests.
  • anything u guys can come up with

So yeah, those are my ideas. thanks for reading!


Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hi Americans! :D Happy Turkey Day! The day we feast on LOTS of food! Be sure to keep that tummy empty for all the food you are going to eat. ;)

Throughout the whole break I'm getting from school, I need to practice my saxophone for trying to move up a band next week. yeah, if i want to move up a band, I have to play the music my band director chose for us. I really want to go into Symphonic band so i'm practicing everyday the whole week to be ready by next week.

I am getting some ideas for future blogs, but there is something i want to get before i post one of the ideas. and i have to complete Super Mario World (GBA) for another one.

Christmas is almost here. just less than a month away. I wonder what this year will be like...

Have a great Thanksgiving Everybody! :) (all Americans anyway :P)


I've really been thinking...

I've decided what I want for Christmas. An Xbox360! Yeah, I feel so bored these days that i spend most of my time watching youtube videos and crap. I don't really want to do that anymore. I already have plenty of games in my head that I want to get for the 360. here they are.

  • Halo 3
  • Soul Calibur 4
  • Call of Duty 4
  • Call of Duty: World at War
  • Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
  • Mortal Combat vs DC Universe
  • Sonic Unleashed

I know this list can be longer. But yeah, I just want a 360.

Also, doctores143 has uploaded the video we both did together. here is the link

If u can here me, u can tell I have a deep voice. :P


Animal Crossing: City Folk + Science Project + ummm...

Yeah, so i got Animal Crossing City Folk on the Sunday it came out. hehe, sorry for not saying that earlier. Anyway, if you would like to play me or anything like that, PM me.

I'm going to tell you a few things about my science project.

Problem: Which distraction affects time and accuracy most on math problems?

So i have 4 groups of people. One group has no distractions, one group watches TV, one group listens to music, and the last one talks on the phone while working on math problems.

I have to time them and then record how many problems they get wrong and right.

This weekend I'll be working on a powerpoint with all my data in a graph and table, plus, the materials I used, the procedures to take for the project, and a conclusion that basically tells u how did the project go, what's some of your data, what i could improve for more accurate results, that kind of thing. (By the way, if u don't understand something, please ask me). and it's a big major grade.

I homestly don't know what games to talk about or anything like that. Probably because i don't play games as much as i used to. I'm not getting any ideas right now and I don't want to say anything until I'm ready to do it.

This Saturday, me and Doctores143 are going to do a video, and it's going to be one of doctores143's Dr.Random videos. i won't spoil any thing, so just go see it once it's posted. I'll make a link to it for u.


2nd six week grades

Well, like the title says.

English 1: 99

Biology H: 87

Concert band: 100

Geometry H: 89

Spanish 2 H: 88

health: 98

World Geography H: 92

I thought i did worse but i actually did better than 1st six weeks.

Well, I don't know what to blog about. the 2 weeks i was gone, my ideas ran away. I would like to do a Top 5 of my favorite Wii games, but I don't have the time to do that this weekend since I'll be at a friend's house for the weekend. And on Sunday, if u were a fan of the DS version, you would know that Animal Crossing is coming out that day. I'll try to get it then cuz it's one of my most anticipated games. I'm hoping it is a lot better than the DS version cuz it has Wii Speak to make online a better experience. And I like the idea of there being a city. it is a pretty good idea. So I'm sure this game would be in my top 5 with no problem.

If u guys have any ideas for my blogs, that would be great. I'm tired telling u guys about my personal life.

Oh, and to answer Twilight Soilder's question: what is your favorite genre in gaming? Answer: RPG and Action Adventure

