I'm just going to make it very brief.
- Heidy was dating a guy for couple of weeks
- Eric was dating a girl for couple of weeks
- Tuesday, Heidy broke up with his bf
- heidy wanted to go out with Eric
- Eric accepted and they did
- Thursday, Eric's gf found out and broke up with him
- Heidy's x-bf found out also and through a gum pack at her
- Heidy said it was sexual assault? (What?)
- Eric and Heidy then went out for 2 days, and then broke up because of some argument we don't know about...yet.
I'm going to finish off by saying that Christmas is only a week away! Oh, man! it feels like it isn't but it really is! I hope i get the Xbox360. I would be really glad to get.
Usually, my presents would either be many games and little random things or an expensive thing and little random things. lol! I'll post up my christmas list up tomorrow maybe.
I got to go now. see ya around GS! :) (meaning just your blogs lol!)
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