Thank goodness. I'm so relieved! I didn't know how much more of the year i could take! I didn't really like this year as much as last year. It was better, but not by much. Thank you summer!
*Warning: This is a little rant. just a warning.
okay, so band stuff. I'm in the lowest band for the 4TH YEAR IN A ROW! God! It's freaking annoying! and you know what else is annoying? My band directors said I did a LOT better this time around but I'm still in Concert Band?? What the crap! oh, and guess what, there is like over 20 saxes this year. 3 in Wind Ensemble (best), 3 in Symphonic (middle), and the rest in concert band (lowest)... would it BOTHER THEM to EVEN IT OUT?!?! I mean really! Think about it! At least 18 or so saxes will be in one band class. It's going to be like having a sectional of just saxes because there's so many of us, we're going to play over everybody else, even the tubas. And also, I'm first chair concert band. ok, yeah, that's great, but maybe if they did a better job dividing the saxes more, then maybe I would be in symphonic. but no, they have to have a set number of saxes for Wind Emsemble and Symphonic and have as many as they want in Concert Band. That's BS.
*rant over*
sorry, I'm just really annoyed at the decisions my band directors are making. It just seems so unfair.
Today, we had this band camp thing where we got to meet the new freshmen of the band and get to know them. (I'm a sophomore now, BTW). It was actually not that bad. it was fun. We got to play some of our marching music, play a game, had a pizza party, played hacky sack, practiced marching, and make our section posters to put up on the walls in the band hall. I had a great time. I look forward to do our real band camp in August. It will be a lot of fun. Even if I am in Concert Band.
E3 Impressions
Nintendo did a very good job this time around, IMO. We got New Super Mario bros. Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 2, a new Metroid, and all those RPG games for the DS that look pretty good. My complaint about them would be that they talked too much. not enough showing. they didn't even do a game demo for any of the games except for Wii Sports Resort and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Other than that, it was fine.
Microsoft did all the showing! they showed many game trailers, demos and stuff and their games look awesome. Like Beatles Rock Band, Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach, Gears of War: All Front, Modern Warfare 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, and much more. They all looked awesome! I'm just worried how their new peripheral will turn out, the NATAL. I. kinda like it, but the demonstration of talking to that boy with the NATAL was kinda weird. I most likely won't get that. Anyway, the games coming out will be awesome though.
I don't own a Sony system so I didn't bother watching Sony's conference.
alright, that's about it. Thanks for reading! If you read the whole thing, thank you tons! :P
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