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School's Out! + E3 Impressions

Thank goodness. I'm so relieved! I didn't know how much more of the year i could take! I didn't really like this year as much as last year. It was better, but not by much. Thank you summer!

*Warning: This is a little rant. just a warning.

okay, so band stuff. I'm in the lowest band for the 4TH YEAR IN A ROW! God! It's freaking annoying! and you know what else is annoying? My band directors said I did a LOT better this time around but I'm still in Concert Band?? What the crap! oh, and guess what, there is like over 20 saxes this year. 3 in Wind Ensemble (best), 3 in Symphonic (middle), and the rest in concert band (lowest)... would it BOTHER THEM to EVEN IT OUT?!?! I mean really! Think about it! At least 18 or so saxes will be in one band class. It's going to be like having a sectional of just saxes because there's so many of us, we're going to play over everybody else, even the tubas. And also, I'm first chair concert band. ok, yeah, that's great, but maybe if they did a better job dividing the saxes more, then maybe I would be in symphonic. but no, they have to have a set number of saxes for Wind Emsemble and Symphonic and have as many as they want in Concert Band. That's BS.

*rant over*

sorry, I'm just really annoyed at the decisions my band directors are making. It just seems so unfair.

Today, we had this band camp thing where we got to meet the new freshmen of the band and get to know them. (I'm a sophomore now, BTW). It was actually not that bad. it was fun. We got to play some of our marching music, play a game, had a pizza party, played hacky sack, practiced marching, and make our section posters to put up on the walls in the band hall. I had a great time. I look forward to do our real band camp in August. It will be a lot of fun. Even if I am in Concert Band.

E3 Impressions

Nintendo did a very good job this time around, IMO. We got New Super Mario bros. Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 2, a new Metroid, and all those RPG games for the DS that look pretty good. My complaint about them would be that they talked too much. not enough showing. they didn't even do a game demo for any of the games except for Wii Sports Resort and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Other than that, it was fine.

Microsoft did all the showing! they showed many game trailers, demos and stuff and their games look awesome. Like Beatles Rock Band, Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach, Gears of War: All Front, Modern Warfare 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, and much more. They all looked awesome! I'm just worried how their new peripheral will turn out, the NATAL. I. kinda like it, but the demonstration of talking to that boy with the NATAL was kinda weird. I most likely won't get that. Anyway, the games coming out will be awesome though.

I don't own a Sony system so I didn't bother watching Sony's conference.

alright, that's about it. Thanks for reading! If you read the whole thing, thank you tons! :P


About time...

School is finally winding down on the homework. But I still have semster final exams to do, so i will be studying for some of those. especially Biology, Geometry, and World Geography. Those will probably be the hardest ones >.< the exams ae the week after next week. so this week is finishing up all the homework kind of stuff. next week is review week, which we get reviews and stuf for the exams, and then finally, the last week for finals. 12 more days of school for me. (BTW we get memorial day off). Summer is so close and it already feels like its summer!

since i might have more time during the summer, I could be posting reviews of games on my blogs. the one I'm thinking of doing first is Bioshock since its such a fun game. But you won't see my reviews until my school year is over.

That's all I got to say. Guess I'll see ya around.


Another big break from Gamespot. haha!

I'm not talking about i will take a break, but that i did not post anything over a month! :o as usual, the reason for my absence is because i was lazy/busy/annoyed. but, i'm finally posting something so please read ok? ;)

on April 18th, I went to a Quincenera! :D (it's celebrating the 15th birthday of a mexican girl). Man! it was so much fun! more fun than i had in awhilesince the church retreat i went to in March! I was an escort and some of my good friends were too... wait. I'm just going to skip to the best parts. We got to ride in a LIMO! :D a hummer limo to be exact. THAT was a lot of fun. we had so many jokes and stuff, it was just hilarious. anyway, the limo was taking us to where the actual party was. (we were at a church before we got in the limo). we ate dinner, all escorts had to do their thing (dance with their escort after the father and daughter (girl who had the party)dance). after all of that and a video of the birthday girl, we were free to DANCE! that was a lot of fun too. we danced to Thriller by Michael Jackson :lol: and also the Electric Slide. some others that i cant think of the name though. also, i danced with one of my good friends (girl). she was an amazing dancer. she can dance very well. i was sad when she left. she really is a great person. ok, i think i typed enough for this event. sorry it was so long :P

For Easter, my mom got me Guitar Hero 3 for Xbox360 but i already had it for Wii. but my mom thought that i could use the guitars for Rock Band but i told her they wouldn't work. so, then we went to Best Buy and I got Bioshock and Assassin's Creed. I have played both a lot. Not like every day though. I just beat Assassin's Creed yesterday and in Bioshock, i forgot what the place is called. it was like Neptune's... something... it's the place you go to right after you kill Andrew Ryan. Anyway, both are really good games. They're a lot of fun.

Despite that I'm now a little over15 1/2 years old, my mom still hasn't done anything to get me into driving school. yes, i have to do driving school. it sucks. and i have to have my permit for 6 months before i can do the driving test and get my license.

since school is almost over for me, we, of course, get so many projects and homework and essays and tests to do before the school year ends. It gets overwhelming. -_- oh well.

If you would like to add me on Xbox360 my gamertag is Cgamer17. Thanks!


Another little something to vent my feelings

Well, things still haven't lighten up yet. Things are still pretty rough for me. so this is something I wrote for English class. it's not a poem or lyrics for a song. It's simply a paragraph using parallelism. If you don't know what it means, it's phrases and sentences that have similar gramatical form. If you still don't understand, then I'll have some key words underlined and bold so you can look at them and see what it means. BTW, there is more than 1 form of parallelism.

Before I get to it though, I'll tell you about seeing my old friends that I saw on Sunday at my mom's friend's house. the mom and her 2 daughters were the only ones there. the dad and the brother weren't there. Anyway, OMG how much has changed!! the older daughter actually didn't seem to change that much, but i did see some differences. She is a senior in high school now and she's shorter than me :lol:her hair is red now. I think her hair was blonde a long time ago, but I can't remember if it wasor not (like i said, it's been YEARS since I've seen them). I think shelooks a lot better now though.Now the younger sister... oh, my, gosh... she changedso much :o she's in 7th grade now and still has her blonde hair. She's a lot shyer than she was back then. Back the, she would always want me to do something with her and we would talk, play games, go to the beach, and even play video games (we did all of this at a beach house in North Carolina). It was a lot of fun.Now I found her to beattractive. :o yeah, i was surprised. Actually both sisters were pretty attractive... well... anyway, I was glad to see them again and there are plans to go to North (or South) Carolina next summer (2010) with them and another family that I haven't seen in years also. I can't WAIT for that! :D

Alright. now for the paragraph.

My sadness has been replaced with anger. I have been crushed into a million pieces, smashed with a hammer, punched in the stomach repeatedly, mashed up with mixed emotions, and stepped on with no one caring that they are hurting me. All I can say is, I'm done. I can't take it anymore. They have hurt me way too much to make me care any further. I'm done with them. I'm done...

alright. comments on it are welcome. BTW, I'm not April Fooling you at all. I hate April Fool's Day. It just gives everybody an excuse to torture you in anyway they want and they always expect you to forgive them justbecause it's April Fool's Day.

That's it for this blog. I'll be around!


some shtuffff!!!

it's the weekend! yay! ^_^ this week i didnt do much. all i did was homework, computer, Pokemon Diamond, and some Xbox360. nothing too special. at least there wasn't any projects. that would have been torture -_- something I gotta say is that February and March have been the most depressing months all schoolyear :( I'm hoping for April to be better.

in Diamond my team is Infernape (37), Staraptor (36), Graveler (35), Luxray (35), Floatzel (35), and Budew (12, will level up when friendship is at its highest). I just beat the 3rd gym leader and I'm about to head down to Pastoria City.

I also have been using this program called Game Maker, where you... well make games! :o this program teaches the beginners (like me :P) how the process of making video games go. I've actually learned a lot and I can finally understand why it takes so long to make a video game. A very cool program and teaching tool. I made 2 games so far and I'm almost done with the 3rd one. The book and CD thatcomes with thishas nine games you can make. I'm enjoying it and this would definitely help with me coming closer to becoming a vdeo game designer. :D

tomorrow I'm going to my mom's friend's house for dinner and I'm going to see my very old friends again! :D I haven't seen them in YEARS and I'm very excited to see them! I might not recognize them at first but oh well XD

that's it for this blog. I'll be around!


My Pain, My Heart, and My Soul

This is something I wrote out on Sunday. I felt horrible and I still do. Not like I'm sick, but like I'm getting stabbed repeatly, but with different things (ex: knife, then sword,etc.). the differentweapons representthe different things that are happening in my life and I'm sure you get the rest... so this is something i wrote to vent my feelings, rather than telling you what happened. this does not relate to anything that happened, but rather what I felt about them. I hope you enjoy reading it. My friends that commented it on facebook liked it, so i hope you like it too. :) here it is. My Pain, My Heart, and My Soul.

my pain... it won't go away
it doesn't stop for breaks
it continues throught the night
making it hard to sleep

my heart... it's been crushed
it's been beaten around
it's hanging by a thread of hope
waiting to be cut down any moment

my soul... it's disappearing
disappearing into an oblivion
it's trying to come back
but fails to make any progress

my pain, my heart, my soul
they never felt this way before
it hurts me so...
I can't take much of this anymore

I can't take much of this anymore

I can't take much of this anymore...

Top 10 DS games 5-1

For these 5 I'm getting rid of Replay Value because I haven't played any of the games in a long time before I went to San Antonio. Aaaaaaannnnddddd here's #5!

#5: Summon Night: Twin Age

Summon Night: Twin AgeI'm sure not many of you have played this game, but I gotta say it's a lot of fun. There are special attacks you can have for each character (only 2 you can play as) and use them on hordes of enemies and watch them fall. The design of the places are very well designed and graphics are very good too. Although gameplay is pretty repetitive, it's still fun to unleash attacks against enemies and bosses. I've beat the game once and noticed there is more than the main story but it's not much. it's only a few more places you can choose to go through. BTW the story is kinda quirky but it's still good.Music is nothing I've heard of before but still enjoyable to listen to. Overall, a great game.

  • Gameplay: 9/10
  • Story: 8/10
  • Control: 9/10
  • Graphics: 10/10
  • Music: 9/10

#4: Pokemon Diamond

Pokemon DiamondAhh yes. Pokemon Diamond. i actually don't know what to say about this. Gameplay is the same as always and is still great. Graphics are the best I've seen in a pokemon game. Music is somewhat different from Ruby and Sapphirebut still sounds like pokemon. New Pokemon, new region,lots of stuff to do in the game,Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection,and being able to getpokemon fromruby, sapphire, firered, and leafgreen make this game the best pokemon game IMO. In fact, I'm playing this right now! While I'm making this blog! :D haha :P and guess what else. I started a new game! I don't know if I ever told you guys but I had seen 408 different pokemon on my old game. I planned getting as many pokemon i could get but I decided to screw the idea a few days ago and started fresh :D it feels better to get rid of that old game haha. ok, anyway, moving on...

  • Gameplay: 10/10
  • Story: 8/10 - That annoying rival of yours makes this not a perfect 10 :lol: but seriously he's annoying sometimes
  • Control: 10/10
  • Graphics: 10/10
  • Music: 10/10 (seems like i would give the game a perfect 10 wouldn't it? :P but of course there are more elements to games than those 5).

#3: Yoshi's Island DS

Yoshi's Island DSI actually don't know why I love this game sooo much I just do. Everything about it is top notch (and so is everything aboutmytop 2 games). I love the level designs, the babies, enemies, and anything else about it. But... (yes there is a but), I enjoyed the SNES version more... man I wish I still had my SNES and N64 :( but my dad made me get rid of it if I wanted the gamecube :x and I wasn't smart enough to try to keep it cuz I was 8 years old :x :cry: ... anyway, This game brought back memories, good memories, of the good ol' days when I was young... great game!

  • Gameplay: 10/10
  • Story: 10/10
  • Control: 10/10
  • Graphics: 10/10
  • Music: 10/10

#2: Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time

Mario and Luigi: Partners in TimeWith great RPG gameplay, quirky characters, funny scenes, and grestgraphics and music make this game just as enjoyable as Yoshi's Island DS. I love Luigi's reactions to some of the things that happen in the game and how it differs from Mario's reactions. I remember I actually laughed at some parts because they were so funny. This was a great sequel to Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and it will be remembered, by me.

  • Gameplay: 10/10
  • Story: 10/10
  • Control: 10/10
  • Music: 10/10

#1: The World Ends With You

The World Ends With YouHell YES!!!! This one of the best games I've played in my entire life! I love it that much! The story is so much in depth and very well thought out. Just about everything made sense. and the characters... oh man the characters. I love them all. Especially Neku, Beat, and Sho Minamimoto (spelling?). Sho is so funny to listen to because he makes references to formulas, equations, and measurements. and Beat apparently likes to say "yo" and "man". I just like how Neku changes from after the first week.... ummm EVERYTHING: TOP NOTCH!... can't say anymore...

  • Gameplay: 10/10
  • Story: 11/10 - that's right. breaking the scale! :twisted:
  • Control: 10/10
  • Music: 10/10 - It definitely fits the mood of the game

Honorable Mentions:

  • Final Fantasy 4
  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
  • Meteos
  • Kirby Superstar Ultra
  • Mario Kart DS

There you go. My top 10 DS games.


How do you... + YOU SHOULD READ THIS!!!

before I start my top 10 DS games 5-1, how do you guys get pictures on the blog and not get an error? when I tried to get images from google, I kept having errors. so I was wondering where you get your pictures and how do you put them on the blogs. Thanks.


"I admit to being a little saddened when I left Sega to form my own studio, but not because I was abandoning the company and co-workers who have supported me for years. I was dismayed that I did not fulfill my ultimate goal: to kill Sonic the Hedgehog. :shock:

I had made significant progress; abysmal titles like Sonic Shuffle and Shadow the Hedgehog went a long way to erode confidence and test the linits of gamers' patience. However, the job was far from done. Before I left Sega, I secretly met with Sonic Team to deliver one final directive: The Sonic franchise must die, no matter the cost. :shock:

They embraced their mission with alarming enthusiasm. The team devised terrible and incongruous concepts, then cobbled them haphazardly into a loose approximations of games. They expanded the cast of Sonic's repulsive anthropomorphic friends, included hedgehog-on-human romance, and even threww him on a hover board- twice! I was overjoyed. 'This is barely even playable,' I laughed as I played Sonic and the Secret Rings. 'Mission accomplished.'

I hadn't counted on you, the gamers, ruining my plans. No matter how hard Sonic Team tries to create a game not even a diehard fan could love, you stupid goons keep buying this garbage :shock:. Seriously, they turned Sonic into a 'werehog,' whatever the hell that is. Think about that for a second; what part of 'werehog' sounds even remotely not stupid? That doesn't matter to you, apparently. As long as it has Sonic (or one of his insipid friends), you'll eat it right up and ask for seconds.

This is my plea: Stop. I beg you, let Sonic die with dignity. Don't make the team suffer the humiliation of creating yet another game where Sonic transforms into some kind of genie or dragon...or something with a magic butt. Because that's where things are going, and if that doesn't stop you, heaven help us all." - Yuji Naka

All I can say is... wow. just wow. So this guy is the reason why there are so many bad Sonic games? ... uhhhh comments??


Top 10 DS games 10-6

I meant 10-6 not 10-5 like i said last blog. I ad trouble putting together this half of the top 10 but I think I finally got it. hhokay, hhhanyway, here's #10!

#10: Age of Empires: The Age of Kings

This game is pretty good. I got hooked on it for a little while, but I only got through the tutorial levels. It's still really fun. but only at short bursts. My only real complaint about this game is that it sometimes freezes on you and you ahve to start a level all over again. Not much music is in this and I don't like ittoo much.It'sa pretty average game and 9 games are more enjoyable than this.

  • Gameplay: 8/10
  • Control: 10/10 - really easy
  • Graphics: 8/10
  • Music: 6/10
  • Replay value: 7/10

#9: Super Mario 64 DS

Personally I enjoyed Super Mario 64 better but this game is still really good. I like that you can play as Yoshi, Wario, and Luigi, but that's also the downside I have with this game. I liked being just Mario. but aside for that, this game is still enjoyable for me since I got as my first game on the DS. control is a little harder though.

  • Gameplay: 8/10
  • Control: 7/10
  • Graphics: 8/10
  • Music: 8/10
  • Replay Value: 7/10

#8: Kirby: Canvas Curse

This was a unique game for a Kirby game I have to say it worked well. I actually enjoyed it more than Kirby: Superstar Ultra. Canvas Curse had a unique story, smooth controls, fun gameplay, and great music. I would like to see another Kirby game like this.

  • Gameplay: 8/10
  • Control: 10/10
  • Graphics: 9/10
  • Music: 8/10
  • Replay Value: 8/10

#7: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

I expected it to be good since it was a sequel to the Wind Waker (which was a great game) and it delivered. I thought was cool that you could design your ship with parts, but don't really serve any purpose. My main complaint is the design of the characters. Why don't they have fingers?? could they not afford to give them basic body parts?? Anyway, everything else was great. great gameplay, music I would hum to, and the story was unique but kind of weird.

  • Gameplay: 9/10
  • Control: 10/10
  • Graphics(design): 6.5/10 (Link: Where are my fingers? What did Nintendo do? and my toes aren't there! Nooooo!)
  • Music: 9/10
  • Replay Value: 8/10

#6: New Super Mario Bros.

It's pretty much a NEWer Mario Bros. and It's a cla$$ic. It's like what Super Mario Bros. 3 did but added different power-ups, enemies, and a unique map. The graphics are top notch, gameplay is cla$$ic, and music is what you should know by now and still love it.

  • Gameplay: 9/10
  • Control: 9/10
  • Graphics: 10/10
  • Music: 9/10
  • Replay Value: 8/10

that's 10-6. 5-1 later.

Mass Effect is rated M and I still don't if my parents will let me play M rated games :? so if there is any good T rated games suggest those too.

okay, so I'll do 5-1 later. buh-bye!


Back From San Antonio

Hey guys. I just got back from San Antonio :D I'm glad to be home. I didn't have too much fun on the trip :( there wasn't much to do and even at Sea World there wasn't much to do. Everywhere we went it was too crowded and I don't like going to places where it's so crowded. so the trip was ok. The only good part about it is that I was able to spend some time with my DS and play it any chance i got.

before I do my Top 10 DS games countdown, I'll have to think for a bit. I didn't get to all the games that I know will be in the top 10 yet (mainly because I played 1 of them for practically the whole day on Monday :P). Then I can put them in order. It might take me tomorrow to post 10-5 or later tonight but I'm not sure yet.

I won't be able to get any games or anything like that until this weekend because I will have over $20 by then, so suggestions are still welcome ;)

Hopefully you get to see 10-5 tonight or tomorrow. And I will get to some ofyourblogs too soon :)
