Only fanboy would said flop is worse.Salt_The_FriesUhm to me a flop is worse because I own all the systems... Exclusives no longer bother me lol, and I'm not a fanboy for saying a flop is worse...
CTUDude's forum posts
Sam's Club is closing in Canada lol What are Video Game Glasses btw?Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, or Cosco..they have EVERYTHING
My xbox finally died, i have audio - but no video.
I have been told that microsoft will not cover the repairs, because i do not have the rrod. so should i just buy an arcade, and put my 120gb hard drive in it? I am asking because i am not sure if there are an hardware differences (inferior chipsets, etc...) between the different models. I was just wondering if someone could give me some advice. thank you so much guys i really appreciate it.
Are you still underwarranty? If so you could always potentially give RRoDa push start if you know what I mean.
If that fails just pick a Jasper Arcade and plop your 120 GB hard drive onto it.
No I can play for four to five hours and my 360 is as cool as a cucumber though I install all my games. I haven't played a game off a disc in ages. Toriko42For real? I have mine horizontal and the front, left, right, and top are completely cool. The back is warm and the bottom of the 360 is hot (not burning hot but I can definitely feel it).
In my opinion.. they should either make the downloadable game content free, or make XBL free.. but the only thing that shouldn't be free are like full movies and full games I guess, but content that you already have the game of
Won't happen, simply because the devs need to make profit off of their DLC. Making gamers pay for in-game content is fine, but whats a rip off are the gamer pics and themes, which should all be free. Exactly, there's not really any incentive to spend time making DLC (Burnout, GTA IV) if you're not going to charge for them. Devs are in the gaming business for profit, not for self-satisfaction or reputation...All those things are bonuses.
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