[QUOTE="elektrixxx"]You're talking about pixellation. Nothing you can do about that dude; that's just the way the video was encoded.NOD_GrindkingAHH! That's Right! I re-read the post and he said it showed up in VIDEOS, not GAMES! Aggghhh.....yes this is pixelation. It's because they can only display to a certain resolution do to bandwidth limitations....if they put all video clips in full 720 or 1080, it would take forever to download. It shows up during Gears Cutscenes but that's video based? Lol
CTUDude's forum posts
Is This:
What your talking about?
Hmm I think that's it not 100% sure on the description. The boxes usually appear in the center of my screen, never on the outsides. Whats the model # of your TV? Also, how old is your 360? And what type of HDMI cord are you using? TV: Sony Bravia KDL-37L4000 37" 720p http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=8198552921665370697 360: Elite April 28th, 2008 HDMI: ****** 10 FT 1.3 HDMI CordIs This:
What your talking about?
Hmm I think that's it not 100% sure on the description. The boxes usually appear in the center of my screen, never on the outsides.What exactly do you mean by "Box Like"NOD_GrindkingAlright breaking up my screen into a grid, let's just say it's about 32 boxes by 18. They're about 1-1.5cm wide/tall and what happens is I can still see the image but I see the outline of the boxes. It's almost the same effect as if you took a video that was let's say 400x200 and you blew it up to 1200x800.
Are you sure the TV is set to the correct display? If the TV is a 720p set, make sure its set to 720p.NOD_GrindkingYeah I have it set to 720p. Uhm are there any special settings that I should adjust within the 360 settings board? I already have it set to LCD since my TV is LCD. I'll take photos of it if it's too confusing to see what I see lol.
So anyways I'm running my Xbox 360 into a Sony Bravia 37" 720p. I downloaded the FFXIII trailer and Gears of War trailer and almost 40% of the time I get these box like images that appear. They're aren't tiny or real huge but I can notice them. Anyways when I downloaded the Star Wars Force Unleashed featurettes I noticed a lot of screen graining...like a lot.
My question is, is this just something with videos or is something wrong on my end?
P.S. HDMI looks fine for games, although sometimes Gears 1 cutscenes have that 'box-like' effect.
I really think some people worry more about airflow then they do actually playing games...sheeesh hehe. Just play the system and enjoy it, no matter what you do, if your meant to get the RRoD, you'll get it, period.NOD_GrindkingThat's how I feel lol...everytime I'm done playing I check the back of my 360. By the way do you know where in Canada RRoD 360's get shipped to? I think someone said Mississauga (I'm from Toronto).
I originally thought I could do fine with a 20 GB but after installing all the games to reduce heat and sound pollution I have to admit I'm glad I have an Elite. Still though, $150+ for a 120 GB drive? You can get a 2.5" SATA that's 400 GB for a little less than that...[QUOTE="CTUDude"][QUOTE="raylewisnfl52"]it should lower the price I dont understand why they would make bigger one 120 is huge, I have like 7 demos 6 games installed and a lot of arcade a DLC and videos and everthing and I still have 60 gigs leftbri360
You can get wayy over 500 gigs sata for under 150 here in canada. Its stupid. MS just thinks that since its the xbox brand hardrive they can charge whatever they want. Well that makes no sense because it is no different than any other hdd.
Lol I'm from Canada too, Toronto! I bought my 2.5" 320 for like $120 last summer so I just flew with estimations. It was such a pain to get it out though lol. Microsoft is able to charge relatively low amounts for their systems because they remove options that seem normal/logical. You can still play 360 without Wifi or an HDD but they both help.it should lower the price I dont understand why they would make bigger one 120 is huge, I have like 7 demos 6 games installed and a lot of arcade a DLC and videos and everthing and I still have 60 gigs leftraylewisnfl52I originally thought I could do fine with a 20 GB but after installing all the games to reduce heat and sound pollution I have to admit I'm glad I have an Elite. Still though, $150+ for a 120 GB drive? You can get a 2.5" SATA that's 400 GB for a little less than that...
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