Why is this surprising? COD4 outsold the first Gears on 360 handily.
The Call of Duty franchise has become massive.
COD4 360 > GTAIV 360
Point taken?EliteKitteh
You shouldn't have brought up MGS4, PS3, and GTA IV. You're going to make the TC angry again. I still don't understand why you'd get so mad for people posting in your thread with information that relates to said topic. Anyone can post, so please stop trying to delegate what does and does not get posted in this thread. Heck if someone wanted to post figures comparing COD: World At War to Animal Crossing they can, it's their right to do so.
Anyways to get on topic. COD built up so much hype after 4 so it was only natural that COD: World At War (Not 5) outsold the others. I suppose people still do love their WWII Shooters.
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