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#1 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts

[QUOTE="CTUDude"][QUOTE="Parasomniac"]These were the two top AAA stealth games last gen. Which one do you think is better? I have to give the edge to MGS3 because of the story mainly.Parasomniac
Chaos Theory was only AA?

Xbox version is AAA I think. PS2 version scored lower everywhere.

PS2 version did score lower but the Xbox version: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/splintercell3/index.html?tag=result;title;3

8.6 =/= AAA


I'd have to say MGS3, The End was an amazing boss to fight, and The Boss was one of the best voice acting I've ever heard in a video game.

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#2 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts
These were the two top AAA stealth games last gen. Which one do you think is better? I have to give the edge to MGS3 because of the story mainly.Parasomniac
Chaos Theory was only AA?
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#3 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts

[QUOTE="CTUDude"]This will not end well.... As a PS3 owner myself I'm a little ashamed of what you posted, makes us all look as bad...I'm cow-enough (see what I did there) to admit that there are some amazing 360 games out there that I'd love to play and to be honest I like the 360 joysticks more. They curve in and have grooves, PS3's remind me of mushrooms.sasapac

in my opinion ps3 has better controller

i agree that there are some good game at xbox 360 but ps3 has better

No I'm not saying I hate the DS3. I'm just saying I perfer the joysticks (not the positioning, the physical stick) more so than the DS3. It feels a lot better on your thumbs then the PS3 one does. 360 one reminds me a lot of the PS1 joysticks.
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#4 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts
This will not end well.... As a PS3 owner myself I'm a little ashamed of what you posted, makes us all look as bad...I'm cow-enough (see what I did there) to admit that there are some amazing 360 games out there that I'd love to play and to be honest I like the 360 joysticks more. They curve in and have grooves, PS3's remind me of mushrooms.
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#5 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts
[QUOTE="CTUDude"][QUOTE="-Reggaeton-"] Fission Mailed?-Reggaeton-
In all honesty it's a hard paradox to come by because with the PS3 leading, it'd still have probably the same library (thanks to multiplats). I doubt we'd see shovelware coming out of it because then that'd mean shovelware on the 360. (Multi-plat speaking).

Do you think the lemmings/cows would be as agressive as they are now? Sheep are almost no where to be seen because all they really have is sales(IRL).

Even more agressive. If PS3 was in the lead cows would go rabbid as hell, playing the "Our console is in the lead" card along with the usual and against the usual. Then again right now not too many people give a rat's ass about the Wii even though it's in the lead in terms of console sales. It seems way too gimicky =/ But to reiterate, yes things would be much, much more agressive.
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#6 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts
Why are so many "what if the PS3 this" and "what if the PS3 that" today?IronBass
Cause today's "What if PS3 Day" Tommorow is "What if Live was free Day" followed by: "What if Wii could handle multiplat Day" Not to mention "What if they made a super console called PSWii60 Day" Jeez didn't anyone send you a memo?
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#7 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts
[QUOTE="CTUDude"]You've created a time paradox.-Reggaeton-
Fission Mailed?

In all honesty it's a hard paradox to come by because with the PS3 leading, it'd still have probably the same library (thanks to multiplats). I doubt we'd see shovelware coming out of it because then that'd mean shovelware on the 360. (Multi-plat speaking).
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#8 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts
You've created a time paradox.
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#9 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts

No they don't. Trophies are basically the exact same thing as achievements.

-Bronze Trophy: Beat Dead Space.

-Achievement 25g: Beat Dead Space.

-Platinum Trophy: Beat Dead Space on the hardest difficulty.

-Achievement 100g: Beat Dead Space on the hardest difficulty.

To say that trophies take more skill is a joke.


Uhm... You get awarded a Platinum for getting 100% of the Trophies of a game. For Dead Space I believe you get a GOLD Trophy for beating it on the hardest difficulty.

As for skill, it does take skill to earn acheivements/trophies. Some of them are tough as nails, saying out right that it takes 0 skill to earn em is false, cause then everyone would have em. As for Trophies reflect more skill than Achievements...who cares...they're both the same thing (usually identical requirement lists), the only thing the PS3 has that beats the 360 is the Platinum to show 100% status, then again the 360 had this out since day one so it beat the PS3 there.

Who cares who's is better, the real topic is: [Size=16]LOOLLOL WTF WIIz AM FAIL NO ACHEIVEMENTSSSSS[/Size]

Lol =P

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#10 CTUDude
Member since 2007 • 972 Posts

[QUOTE="THQ88"]Have it already. Bought it on launch date.director13

Yeah. launch date, at midnight. $80, limited edition. worth every penny. Anyone else with me?

Mhm, launch day Limited Edition. Opened up the bonus Blu-Ray, saw the big '!' then I closed it till I finished the game. Lol. I saw it at Wal-Mart for $59.99 and my lil bro went "don't you feel ripped off cause you paid $90 for it". I just laughed, was worth every penny.