They should add trophies and other stuff to it. Looks plain and boring compared to the Xbox Gamercard, at least it's a start, let's wait it out.
CTUDude's forum posts
GOW is too confusing use GeOW, GOW is reservered for the one and only God of War. Obviously you'll have PS3 people say Resistance and Xbox 360 people say Gears of War.
Personally I don't own a 360 but Gears is a game that really makes me wanna go out and get one. Resistance wasn't a bad game either~
Bioshock Trophies were annouced a little while back but HOME was just rumours.
Anyways I wish more PS3 games had Trophies. I can become pretty OCD about trophies if only they had more games that supported them.
Since you dont want too fansy, probly a normal 20g 360 will do unless you play it a ton then you might as well grab a 60gKrayler
How big are save files, like what else would the space be used for? The only thing I can think of that I would use the 360's space for is game saves, demos, and any other requirements. Videos and stuff I'll use the PS3.
So with the new price drop and Gears 2 looks pretty sick I'm really tempted to get a 360 and complete my PSWii60. Anyways I just got a couple of questions. I plan on getting the new lower priced 20 GB model cause I already got a 320 GB PS3 and I don't think I'll need that much space on the 360.
With that 20 GB bundle, what else would I need? I plan on playing 2 players, and possibly online too. Any accessories as well that might be good too?
It's not PSN that stole your dollar, it's the card. Read the little unfoldable manual that comes with it. It will explain all deductions, etc.
You should have waited longer for your card registration to take effect. That is probably why you had $1 taken from you. Again, read the manual and it should have $1 typed somewhere, and why it would be deducted. Possibly in a table format.
I read the manual for all fees. No fee's are $1 also when I checked where the $1 went it clearly said Playstation Network not Visa. It was PSN not Visa otherwise I wouldn't have made the thread. Also the only fee you pay is the $3 at the beginning to activate but other than that there are no registration fees. =(
From now on when I get a prepaid I'm just going to cram all $25 right in instead of waiting.
Nah they let you buy exact price now, not only 5, 10 or 20Knivez0r
Adding Funds to my wallet I can only add in denominations of $5. There's no option that I know of that will allow me to add $4 into the account =/
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