[QUOTE="Myzz617"]In addition windows only recognizes FAT32 on HDD's with 32GB and smaller. So your going to have to create multiple partitions on your PS3 HDD with Fat32 or wipe out your HDD and format it as NTFS but if you do that you cant use your 60GB as an external drive for your PS3 because PS3 file system is FAT32. b11051973
Actually, the FAT32 size limit is around 127 GB.
It won't allow the drive to be formatted if it's bigger than 32000 MB.
True but it could be possible that they would stick to the old battle system just with better quality. But hardly doutfull. Tacticity
I also would want them to keep the names of Materia the same being Fire 1, Fire 2, Fire 3. I'm not digging the whole Fira and Firaga thing they did with Crisis Core.
Unfortunately though, every FF game since the Enix merger has been relatively poor. If they DO remake FFVII, they better leave it turn based, because the new real-time battle just isn't what Final Fantasy is about.Foffity
FFVII was turnbased real time though. I know what you meant but at first I thought by turn based you meant 10.
Alright, I just replaced my 60 GB HDD to a 320 GB one and I bought an enclosure. I put the 60 GB into the inclosure, connected it to my computer and now I have a problem.
The computer reads it but I don't know where it is, usually if you plug something like your PSP into your computer it'll be there in My Computer but this HDD doesn't even show up.
The way to connect is the same cord configuration as connecting a PS3 Controller or PSP to the computer.
When I check for it's location it says something about being in 'Location 0'.
yea if it fits in with the setting or theam of the game i dont care. but i dont want to be playing a game like oblivion and see adds for Toyota and coke zero lol that would be sadWild_Card
Sire you have closed yet another Gate of Oblivion, here is a token of my appreciation. *Hands you Coke Zero* Real Coke taste, Zero calroies my lord!
Reminds me of Need for Speed Underground 2 where you'd see ads all over town like Best Buy or Old Spice. As long as they don't interfere in the game or become REAL obvious then it's fine.
I havent finished it yet but i think i have heard it. I often go off tangent just killing people 12 ways to christmas. At some point a voice comes on and says- You like it dont you...all that killing. Or something like that. Then Snake starts throwing up. Me being me, i could careless, i just go back to Ramboing and stuff. LOLFuaTokoFau
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