CTUDude's forum posts
are they even consider as kills?? their not living things they machines.. if they where then MG ray would be consider as a kill as well..Keasy4
They aren't, as soon as you kill one it says 'Unmanned, xxx DP'. When you kill a Gekko it doesn't count as a kill because they aren't living, they only bleed because they have nano's inside of their legs to give them the ability to move like athletes.
Soliton Radar for the win.
But for MGS4 the one they used was more realistic and appliable.
Why shouldn't he hesitate, this is his own life he's taking. Even though Snake has killed thousands (although if you tranq everyone...), anyways even though he as killed he still hesitates. Remember back in the first game at the end when Gray Fox tells him to shoot Liquid, Snake hesistates cause he doesn't want to hurt his best friend.
In MGS4 while Raiden is fighting Vamp, if you point your gun up he does the same thing repeating the same line "Ugh I can't do it" and hestitates to shoot, of course if you shot it'd mess up the cutscene but still.
Ending was fine, leaves room for...MGS5: Retirement Home
Trophies that can read you save data so your won't have to replay to get them.
Personally I think it's a bad idea, people could just swap save files for Trophies.
[QUOTE="CTUDude"][QUOTE="Alfred91"]Any gas station in Canada should have it, I know this because I saw a few in the Greater Toronto Area, so basically any gas station nationally should have them. P.S. CANADA FTW!!!!!!Alfred91
Your telling me Esso is gonna have PSN cards? I find that hard to believe...
I thought this was about prepaid visa? O well yeah they got a s*** load of prepaid goodness at each location so you should prob look there before somewhere else. Again, CANADA FTW!!
Oh my bad lol, Esso is just a stones throw away from where I live, I'll check it out. Thanks!
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