Start off by loading the completed file, it'll prompt you to choose your difficulty then once you have that play through. When you meet the Mk2 you'll get everything.
I just picked it up and I was wondering about the following:
1) Can the second player use a PS3 Controller instead of a guitar? 2) Does the Aerosmith version work with the GH3 Controller? 3) Can I play GH1/2 with the GH3 Controller? 4) I heard GH3 Controller will be compat with GH4, is this true?
I just went through the game for a second time with 0 alerts and 0 kills, very rewarding. I earned te Stealth Camo and Bandana and now I am going through my third run to get things like the Solar Gun and other emblems.
I meant 6 more runs (have already one 2), but since I messed up on the Less than 5 Hours one it might translate into 7 more runs lol, talk about Konami creating replay value...
So Forward roll would just be Standing Straight up and pressing X?
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