I personally find the game to be quite amazing. I've played about 40 hours plus and I think I've barely touched the main story. Too busy stealing for Gray Fox and Assassinating people~
yo if you live in Canada Bestbuy has a deal going like this too. AC is 39.99 but I didnt buy it. Ended up picking up CoD4 for 39.99 though and grabbed GoW for 19$ and GoW 2 for 38$
Someone should check how many XBox 360's were sold after it's 1 year launch then compare it to the PS3's 1 year launch. Also the XBox 360 didn't have to worry about the Wii~
I lovethe Slim PSP. The back of the Old PSP feels wierd personally, I perfer the iPod Nano-like material on the PSP Slims which makes it shiny. Also the thing is lighter, has TV Output and the buttons are raised a bit more.
I found the controls for Super Mario's 1/2/3 to be kind of crap with the Classic. I wish they wouldn't make the buttons on such a slant (A and B) or at least let you sprint with Button 1 and jump with Button 2 (See Diagram)
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