If you own Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron and took a look at the medals there are two special medals that can only be achieved on certain days online.
On Dec 25th, online players have a chance to obtain the 'Wookie Hero Day' medal for toping the scoretable in online play. So who's going for it? I know I'm going to try it.
I was reading around and people are saying that this is a really good game. My PSP collection sorely lacks an RPG (unless you count FFVII through remote play xD) and I was thinking about getting an RPG. Final Fantasy Tactics doesn't really interest me, not sure why.
I was thinking about getting Jeanne D'Arc but I was wondering what you guys think of it? I just have some questions about it:
1) I thought it was Joan of Arc 2) What's the battle system like? 3) Length ofgame? 4) Other info you can think of ;)
My PS3 violently flashed then it shut off for good. JUST KIDDING! I updated through the PS3, took about 10 mins then everything was done. I then went to go play FFVII on my PSP, GG update.
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