I just played FFVII off my PSP. That thing was the most awesome thing ever, and it hyped me up for Crisis Core in March 08. By far I found 2.10 the best firmware update for my PS3 since the beginning.
I am getting a slim PSP. Which one should I get? I want one that doesn't get most fingerprints. Can someone suggest one out of the three that gets the less fingerprints?darryl_hua
White + Silver = Less Fingerprints Black = Sexy but get's Fingerprints
I personally got the Piano Black to match with my PS3, also I love the colour black. The fingerprints can be easily cleaned with a dry cloth so no worries.
never had a problem with my PS3, so for me it's safe. and if i ever had a problem, i would just fix it xD but.. yeah i think it's safe. you know, problems like that can be fixed by resetting everything right? sure it takes time, but rather have a working system than a system freezing all the time.zeforgotten
Yeah I resolved that long time ago it's just when it first happened I was like 'OMFG WHY....' then after an hour or so I figured out resetting settings worked, but still lol.
So when I installed 2.0 it madly messed up my PS3. My PS3 froze everytime I entered a setting and things were real laggy. I'm just wondering if anyone has installed the new firmware update and had something go wrong or a bad side affect.
If it's safe to do so I'm going to update both my PS3 and PSP to play remote PS1 xD
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