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CaBaller0 Blog

The Calm Before the Storm

So, I haven't made a blog entry for about 2 months now... mostly because I was too lazy to even start one. But, since I've got time right now, I'd better give you an update on my life.

Things have been pretty laid back recently. School isn't giving me as much trouble as last semester, even though I have more classes this semester than last. But, they're mostly classes for my major (I'm a film student if you didn't know) so they probably seem less stressful since I actually enjoy learning what they're teaching. And I've decided to do homework this semester, which isn't really as bad as I thought it would be.

My life outside of school is pretty calm, also. Work keeps me busy most of the time but now that I've gotten accustomed to it, it isn't as hard or stressful. My love life hasn't changed, I still have the same girlfriend and we still go out once in a while. Hopefully my "8 month curse" won't kill this relationship also... but we still have about 4 months till then so I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Now to the video game news! I haven't bought very many games for my Wii. I've only bought WarioWare: Smooth Moves which is AWESOME, Metal Slug Anthology which is cool too if you like Metal Slug, and a bunch of Virtual Console games like Super Mario 64 and ToeJam & Earl. I've mostly rented a bunch that I was undecided about (Blockbuster's $15 Game Pass is awesome!). So now I've decided that Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz sucks, Far Cry sucks, Red Steel is alright but very glitchy, and Rayman: Ravin' Rabbids is hilarious!

So anyway, that's mostly what's been going on in my life. Very calm, but I like it. My only fear is that things can only get worse from here. As they say, this is only "the calm before the storm."

My December

Yup, this is my December. Why? Because if you didn't know, Sunday was my birthday! WOOT!!! Yeah I had a blast... my friends and I cruised around the OC for a while on Saturday night, then, at around midnight, we went to this club in LA and partied like crazy. After that, we went to eat at a Denny's (it was around 7 a.m.) and then went home to sleep. Around 2 p.m., I was awakened by my family who sent me out to "buy some burgers" and when I came back, they threw a total surprise party. Most of my friends and family was there and it was awesome! We played Wii until about 10 p.m. when everyone left. I can honestly say that was the best birthday ever!

Anyway, now my only concerns are a bunch of projects I have to complete by next week, finals, and buying Christmas presents. I went out Friday afternoon and bought a bunch of decorations and so now my house looks nice but I wasted over 120 bucks on everything. Not very much, but adding that to the presents I'm planning to buy my family, I'm gonna spend over 500 bucks! Curse my over-bearing holiday spirit! It always causes me to go bankrupt during Christmas time. But I guess it's worth it if it puts a smile on their faces. 'Cause after all, this is my December.

Me and my Wii

8) Yup! The Wii is mine!!! I camped out in front of Wal-Mart for five hours Sunday morning and got myself a Wii. And let me tell you, it rocks! I only have Wii Sports right now (Zelda, Red Steel, and Monkey Ball got sold out within a minute of opening the door) but that's enough for me. It just feels so right... maybe this is what love really is. :P

So if I'm not seen the next couple of weeks or months, I'm either really busy or playing the heck out of my Wii (that sounds wrong). So see you guys next spring!

It Could Be Worse...

So things have been pretty hectic for me these last couple of days. What with a new job, college mid-terms and a bunch of projects depleeting most of my time, a girlfriend who demands constant attention, and my family who need me for any little thing; my life is very stressful right now. Top that all off with this stupid cold that I've had for a couple of days now and I'm in hell. The few moments I have free are spent here and in these past 2 weeks I've been online for a total of maybe 6 hours... so that gives you an idea of how much free time I've had. But I have to admit, things could be worse.

Anyway, my best friend called me yesterday (I hadn't heard from him for almost 2 weeks also) and gave me the biggest news I've heard in a while. He said that Best Buy and a couple of other stores are selling the Wii at a first-come-first-serve basis (I don't really know how this never occured to me) so my chances of getting a Wii have now improved. All I have to do now is hope that I'm not working that Saturday or Sunday and camp out in front of my nearest Best Buy for the entire day. Sounds easier than it probably will be but my friend and I have devised an ingenious plan to make the best of that day.

Hopefully, everything goes as planned and my schedule loosens up a bit to the point where I can be online for more time. 'Cause to tell you the truth, I'm addicted to this place. I feel like I'm going insane(r) by not having time to be here. See you on the flip side!

Not Enough Hours in a Day...

Well I've got some good news and some bad news. Good news is, I finally got a new job! I'm now a Sales Associate at Toys R' Us. Bad news is, my new job means I won't be online for very much anymore. Some of you may have noticed that I'm not online for much time anymore and now you know why. College, work, internet, and my family and love life are too much for me to handle so some of these aspects have to be reduced, time-wise. So I'm sorry if I don't post much in the near future. I'll still try to get online as much as I can without destroying my life, but my time here may be reduced to an hour or two or even minutes. See you when I see you!


It's been a while. I haven't touched my blogs in a while now so I guess this'll be one of those boring updates most people make which only one or two people read but don't really care about it. But I can't really think of anything else to write so here it goes...

Well not much has happened since my last update. I got the MK emblem and um... I got a new girlfriend! 8) She's cool and all but to tell you the truth I still have feelings for my ex-girlfriend... and it doesn't help that I talk to her in college now. And college is pretty cool. I go only about 3 hours a day but they give a hefty amount of homework and projects to complete. My main focus is finding a job right now. I applied to the local EBgames, Target, and Blockbuster... so all I gotta do now is wait for a call from either one of them. :?

So now to the video games! I'm really waiting for Mortal Kombat: Armageddon... but with a lack of a PS2, I have to wait for the Wii version since I'm gonna get a Wii. I've decided to buy Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz along with the Wii... but I'll still have to wait till March for MKA. :( And I'm getting the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the GameCube so I can play it how it was meant to be played. But for right now I'm mostly playing Battle Stadium D.O.N. because my friends love it and they actually have a chance against me... unlike Super Smash Bros. Melee or most other games really.

So that's it for this update. I really hate doing these but I felt I hadn't done anything with my blog in a while so I might as well. And so to end this honorable... *chops hands off and bleeds to death.* HARA-KIRI!

A Departed Return

8) Yes, I'm back! The legacy lives on!!! It took some money out of my pocket, but I have internet service in my house again. It's not anything fancy, but I can live with the slowness as long as I'm back here. I totally missed you guys! :)

:| But, my return comes with a few... let's call them restrictions. As I am now a college student (btw, college rocks!) I have to focus more on my schoolwork as to not mess up my future, meaning I may not be on GS for very much and instead be... studying! DUN DUN DUUUN!!! But, since it's just the first week, I currently have nothing to study for.:D

:| And, since I got laid off from my last job, I'm currently searching for a new job which will also cut into my online time. So what I'm basically getting to is that while I have, in essence, returned, I must depart from my house so many times a day that I won't have much time here on GS... hence the name of the blog. Like the use of contradictory terms in there? :P

The End

Every story has a beginning... and an end. And here's the end of this story... the story of a lost lunatic. He came here for no reason at all, acted like an idiot, and, in the end, walked away with many new friends. Many chapters to the story were lost, but the final result is 20 chapters of my life here on GameSpot. These 20 chapters span more than a year... a year full of joy, sadness, anger, and the occasional confusion. But, my story is not contained only in this blog, it is spread out through GameSpot in different forums and unions.

So... this is the final goodbye. I don't know if there will be a sequel, so enjoy what I've left behind. I will try to come back, but my return seems very unlikely for a long time. For now, the only thing left to do is remember, and never forget my spirit... if everyone in the world had a piece of it, then there would finally be peace on Earth. I leave you now, for my time is short. To all my friends I bid you farewell, good luck, and goodnight. This is the end of my story, my legacy... the Legacy of a Lunatic.

When I'm Gone

:| I have a bit of bad news. Certain things have occured; things that are beyond my control. So I'm here to say... goodbye.

:( Yes, goodbye. I'm leaving GS by force and there's nothing I can do to stop it. The reason why is very complex, even I don't understand some parts, but I'll try my best to sum it up for you:

There was a problem with my dad's credit card, he was suppose to get a new one in the mail since his old one expired, but it never came so he couldn't activate it. And now my internet provider is gonna cancel our service since they didn't get paid. And now to re-activate it we have to pay a certain amount more money, and my dad said he ain't paying that.

:| I'll try to come back as soon as I can, but I don't know when that will be... it could be days, weeks, or even months from now. And in a couple weeks I start college, and I don't know how busy I will be then. If I don't come back in a month or two, that probably means I'm too busy or I still can't get online.

:( So, in case I don't come back, I'd like to say thank you... thank you all for being my friends. I've had a blast here with you guys... and I'll miss you all very much. Goodbye!!! :cry:

Revelation !!

:D Well I promised you, so here it is. I'll finally reveal what my new union will be about and all that good stuff!

:) But first, I'd like to thank all of you that voted for the new leader of Xbox Haters United... all 3 of you! :P But seriously, it was a close race between somedude410 and kingdom09, but somedude was able to beat kingdom by one vote... :? which was kingdom's own vote for somedude. :D Anyways, CONGRATS SOMEDUDE!!! You'll make a great leader!

8) And now, it's time for the grand revelation! My new union will be about......... SQUIRRELS!!! :P Just kidding! But that was an option. The union will really be about......... CLASSIC GAMES!!!

:D You may or may not know, but I am an old-school gamer. Classic video games are my thing! And I realized that GameSpot doesn't have very many union about classic games... and not many that stand out. So my goal with this new union is to make one that will be recognized, not only for its discussions, but also for its friendly environment. And I think I have enough experience now that I can make a decent union... I hope. :?

:| As for the name and charter members, I don't really know about those. I've got the name down to two options... but I can't decide! And the charter members, I'll probably end up sending one to all of my close friends... but if you really want to be an officer *cough*mikesta*cough* then tell me now and I'll be sure to reserve you a spot. :D

8) I still have a few things to work out, but you can expect its grand opening sometime around August 12. Till then, :evil: KEEP AWAY FROM MY PIE!!! :P

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