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CaBaller0 Blog

News Update...

:| Well I had to update you guys on what's going on with me right now as many things have changed in the last week or so. First the bad/sad news: you may or may not know, but I have resigned as leader of the Xbox Haters United union. Yes, it's pretty sad, but life goes on. I'll really miss being the leader but I'll still post there after I hand it to one of my officers.

:) Now for the good news: the reason I resigned from XHU is because I am currently planning to make a new union. I've almost completed all of the preparations, and I promise that this new union will be much more on-topic and noob-friendly than XHU. As for it's name and what it'll be about, I'll give all that information next week in a special blog.

8) Well that's pretty much it for this news update. Thanks for reading this. Peace!

Read Me!!!

I have something to say............... monkey! That is all.

PS: Hey... I was bored okay!

One Whole Year of GS!!!

:D Yup, today is my anniversary! One whole year of GameSpot!!! Who would have know I would survive this long?! But I gotta admit, it's been a good year with you guys... full of laughter, anger, and the occasional confusion. And I hope I can make it for my two year anniversary... only with less of the anger part. So without further delay... PARTY!!!!!!!!! 8)

Time Of Your Life

And yes, it was very unpredictable, but in the end, I did have the time of my life! What exactly am I talking about? Well......... I GRADUATED!!! Yes, it's finally over... I am officially a high school graduate!

Many tears were shed, hearts were broken, and blood was spilled, but it was all worth it. And the memories I will keep, will not be of the hardships, but of the joy and happiness I experienced, and of the life-long lessons I've acquired.

And although I may never see many of my friends ever again, I'm still thankful that they were there for me when I really needed them the most, and I hope they know that. So what I'm basically trying to say is, don't take your friends for granted.

But it's not over yet, I still have much learning to do. So I guess that it really isn't the end, rather it's more of a... new chapter in the story of my life. And this time, the pages are blank for me to start from scratch.


:oops: I think I'm falling in love again. There's this girl in alot of my classes that I'm getting really close to... maybe too close. :| It's not that I don't want to fall for another girl again (see "Game Over"), it's just that if I were to fall for her then I don't think it would really work out between us... not because of her personality or anything, but because there would be alot of obstacles to overcome.

I mean it's the end of the school year and the end of high school all together... and next year I'm going to Cal State Long Beach and she's going to Cal State Fullerton... which isn't really far apart, but there's still some distance. And being far apart means not being able to be with each other for long periods of time.

Not only will the distance affect us, but being in different colleges might also affect us. I won't be able to know what she's doing in Cal State Fullerton meaning my trust in her won't be that high as well as her trust in me won't be that high either... and a good relationship is all about trust.

So that's my dilemma right now... whether to hook up with her or not. I really do care for her and I know I have an excellent chance of getting with her since I have a suspicion that she likes me too... and a bit of evidence (her friends told me). Any advice? :?

My Future Is Coming On

... it's coming on... it's coming on! :P That was from "Clint Eastwood" by the Gorillaz... but that's not the point. The reason why "my future is coming on" is because...... *drum roll*...... I GOT ACCEPTED TO COLLEGE!!! :D The California State University at Long Beach (A.K.A. Cal State Long Beach, A.K.A. CSULB) accepted my application to attend there... and as you can see, I'm as glad as can be! Hey, that rhymed :P but seriously, all I have to do now is to pass all my classes with a C or better... which will be a snap! :D

CSULB was one of the two colleges I was most looking forward to attending (Cal State Fullerton was the other) out of the four colleges I applied to. CSULB has a good Cinematography program which will fit nicely into my goal career of film director :D (for those who don't know, Steven Spielberg attended CSULB). Plus it's right next to the beach, meaning... well, just think about it :twisted: but don't think about it too long. My future is finally looking bright! 8)

Better Days

:( I've been gone this week because I got food poisoning (:evil: stupid Pizza Hut!) so I didn't go to school for 3 days but I was in bed wishing to be in school instead puking. Then I come back here and see the word "sad" in everyone's blog, so I start investigating and apparently something went down and now people are leaving. I'm confused as heck yet happy not to be puking to death anymore. :)

On a not "sad" note, I've jumped from level 16 to level 19! :D

Help Me Jeebus!!!

:| I'm sorry that I haven't been online this week, but my computer's been acting up. While I am a patient person, the current speed of my computer is driving me crazy (it took me about 15 minutes just to start writing this). I think I have a virus, and I already looked for the problem but then again I'm not the most computer-literate person, so I may need to look for help (hence the title). I need to fix this before I can start posting again. So until then, keep your hands off my ice cream! :evil:

Game Over

:| So here's my story of sorrow of what happened during my time away from GS. On the weekend after New Years, my girlfriend split-up with me! Or rather it was a mutual agreement. You see, my girlfriend (or ex-girlfriend now) is in college while I am in my senior year of high school. We would rarely spent time together because our schedules wouldn't meet or other things would get in the way. So that weekend (I believe it was on January 7th but I may be wrong) I took her to the beach during the night and we walked under the stars and all that mushy stuff, and we talked about what we would do about our situation. It had come up in our conversations a couple of times before but nothing was ever done about it. So we decided that day that we would call it quits but continue to be "friends" (like that ever works). So about a week has passed now and I've heard very little from my ex, meaning it's officially over. And I have to say, it was a very good 8 months with her, which is strangely how long my other 2 relationships have lasted also :shock: *Twilight Zone theme plays*. Meh, at least now I'm a free man again meaning new opportunities :D

The Return of... Me!

HEY PEOPLE!!! Long time no see! I've been really busy since a bit before Winter Break but now I'm back! So to explain what's been happening to me here's a little summary:

  • *Christmas -- I had a good time with my family. I got a car, 3 games, 2 gift cards to game stores, and a couple new clothes.
  • *New Years -- It was pretty cool. I spent it with my cousins and we played games from 5 PM to 11 AM.
  • *Somewhere between Christmas and New Years, I went bowling with my friends for the first time! I sucked with a score of 86.
  • *On my return to school, I got assigned a s*** load of projects. I worked non-stop on them and was extremely stressed out.
  • *And to make things worse, something happened between me and my girlfriend which I'll explain in my next, very long blog.

But now I'm finally free of schoolwork and stress (for the most part) and can once again return to GS. And if anyone can fill me in on what's been happening, that'd be cool.

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