I'm gonna need to hear and see some good things about the campaign before I get my hopes up, let alone pre-order anything. Am the only one hoping for a last minute delay into early 2017? And dlc should basically be all or most of the movies.
They should have added an option for one hit kills or one hit stuns once you hit a certain speed and/or added an option to increase damage output the longer you maintain high speed or the more people you manage to hit without stopping. In short, Faith should be constantly running and jumping.
@Giygas07: I'm pretty sure that when he said safe he meant that it doesn't really do anything to shake up the formula (a great formula obviously). Whether or not that's accurate is something I'll find out next week.
Far Cry 3 & 4 did a pretty good job with this: two large weapons, two small weapons, and different ammo bags for different types of ammunition that you can craft. My personal suggestion would be a combination of RE 4 and Far Cry 3/4 space management: if there is a space available on the model for a weapon or item (including pouches, backpacks and holsters), then the player can carry it. As for encumbrance, it should definitely be gradual and maybe include some sort of penalty to total stamina, stamina regeneration, dexterity etc.
I want to say something snarky like, "Apparently Square likes sharing some of their profits with gamestop/ebay," but the Tomb Raider reboot was awesome and I'm glad the sequel turned out well.
Growing up as a video game hobbyist has been so frustrating. When I was younger, I didn't have the money to buy all the games I wanted but now that I'm older, I have a bloated backlog with precious little time to play (I don't see myself finishing Inquisition until February and I haven't even started Evil Within or played The Witcher 2 even though I bought it in June). Off topic, is Poo-Pourri a real product?
When given a choice, I usually play as a non-human female first because it's a refreshing change of pace. If female protagonists were as common as male protagonists, then I might feel a little weird about it.
Caduceus89's comments