Well I cant remember the combat being simplistic in the first one.. so I cant see how they could ahve messed it up for the second.. I thought the melee system was probally one of the best i have seen in an fps.. was hoping for more of the same.. might just wait until its on sale i guess.
@Alex4789123 @Caldrin @Epic75 Yes i can because it is bad.. Its just not an mmorpg and it does not make a good single player game.. its just boring plain and simple.. now if they had said sod it to the MMO side of thnigs and just made a SP then things might have been different.
@Epic75 @Caldrin @Alex4789123 Dragon age was their last good game.. never been a fan of the Mass Effect games so cant comment on those really..
I hope they can but i dont like EA because their games are very expensive and then they charge for content that should have been in the game from the start.. still will have to wait and see.
@Alex4789123 @pwnzord problem is you cant stay positive because its EA.. They will sell the game for a stupid price and then charge you for every bit of content that should have been in te game to start with.. plus if your a PC user you will be forced to use their shitty origin system..
@david1230 Err you do realise there are a hell of a lot more people who drink and drive than get high and drive.. the numbers alone are the main reason for the death totals.. So you think after somking a ton of pot you are still totally in control of your body and what you do.. Whats the difference when you say black out from drinknig and cash.. or crashnig because you cant react fast enough ? none you crash both times..
Caldrin's comments