This is basically just battlefield 4 with a new skin.. something that would have been a mod back in the days of BF2... and guess what EA want to charge full price for it..
This a survival game and thats what you have to do from the start.. now survival for you migh mean grouping up with other people to make a safe place to live and keep all the stuff you make and find.. devs have said building will draw zombies to them and of course you will ahve to fight other people who wnat to take your stuff... or survival could mean running to some woods with no one aronud building a little tent and hunting wild animals..
@jacquelineferre a good few years now.. its a semi crowdfunded game on PC and I was lucky enough to back it before the FCA decided they did not want them funding a game that way. not sure of the exact details. Dealing with FCA took up a lot of their time I guess but I must admit they have been getting out regular updates on the PC version and it just keeps getting better :)
@Dannystaples14 This is a proper sim compared to Forza and Gran Turismo as they lean towards more of an arcade style of play..
I have Porject Cars on the PC and its one of the best racing sims I have played and its not even finished yet :) other games to compare it to are iracing and live for speed..
@Master_Of_Fools yeah a few other people have said the controls suck balls on the PC... guess I will be giving it a miss or picking it up when tis cheap.
@OldKye @Caldrin @mihael88 yeah it certainly was when you could only buy gold ammo with gold.. but now its available with in game cash and yeah everyone uses it..
Myself I think it should be removed from the game.. or they should move to a similar model that war thunder uses for its ammo :)
@liquidbutter Well pay2win implies that yuo pay money to win.. this is not the case with WOT.
Well as anyone can buy gold ammo if they wish with money they make in game jsut liek normal and HE ammo.. there is nothing pay2win about it in the sense that you pay real money to win. Also gold ammo is not a 100% pen it can still bounce.
I would not say marginally the T8 premium tanks are not very good compared to the normal t8 tanks maxed out and it does not take long to get a t8 tank maxed out. There are a few exceptions like the type 59 but you cant buy that in the store. Anyway playing all the other tiers are just as much fun I still play a lot of lower tier games because they are totally different to how the higher tier games play
Well knowing how to play the game makes it fair yes.. if you dont know how to play the game and change the tactics you use then I dont know waht to say. Also its not like you are only against tanks two tiers above you the enemy team will also have tanks of your tier on their side so take those out and avoid the big ones.. Also the combat mechanics behind WOT is all about finding the weak spots on tanks people will angle theri tanks in a way to make it hard for you to hit them as well..
So yes the game does take a long term commitment if you want to get to Tier 10 without paying any money but at the end of the day they are a business and out to make money.
At the end of the day if you dont enjoy playing the game then its just not for you.. myself I have recently started palying War Thunder ground forces and am enjoying that a lot more, but I still think WOT if a fun game to play and well worth the premium every month if you like it.
Caldrin's comments