@cjr84: Bro go cut on a fucking rap album and tell me what you hear. I'm tired of explaining this to people who would rather bs around the topic. Black people don't call themselves NIGGERS, never have. If you're too stupid to comprehend that Nigga (notice the 'ga' at the end, indicating a 'guh' sound) and Nigger aren't the sound and don't sound the same when said, then why bother talking about? Continue not using either.
@dudebropartyyo: "why is white race being judged based on few individuals" well, same way every race is judged based on a few individuals. Stereotypes work both ways. Secondly, white people who argue for shit like this usually are just making the problem worse and validating the stereotype. Good intentions aside, it displays a lack of empathy. The rare black kid who actually watches this is already singled out enough most likely. He's an outlier for sure. Imagine the kick in the face hearing this shit from someone you look up to. Put yourself in his shoes. Pick something you would find offensive and replace the n-word with it. Don't pick "Honky" or "Cracker" or something you know doesn't bother you, be honest with yourself when you choose the word. Sometimes the best recourse is to just respect peoples feelings.
@lostn: Lol, black people don't call each other "Nigger", Yes, you can clearly hear the difference, unless you're tone deaf and can't hear the difference between "GA" and "GER".
In regards to your argument, name a time when black people weren't referred to as that? That said, your argument sounds pretty hollow. White people were calling blacks "Niggers" before, and will do so after, just like they call every other race by racist names, regardless of if the races uses it as an internal term of endearment.
Calikidd86's comments