Calulithrar's forum posts missed what is easily the best RPG for this system to date...Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth.
Buy it!
The only thing I could see someone really asking for with help on this game would be how to beat a few of the hard time attack colossi battles or how to reach the secret garden.
Wow, can't believe these weren't mentioned...
Puzzle Quest- Easily rivals Lumines as the best puzzle game on the pissp
Loco Roco- The one that's worth mentioning again.
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth- Recreation of VP1, one of the better RPG's to have come out for the Playstation. Period. And unless you're willing to pay $150+ on ebay for the original...
Also, I personally found WTF (Work Time Fun) to be a bit monotonous but right up my alley with the ridiculous humor and over-the-top hillarity. I can see why most would be inclined to disagree, however.
And I honestly have no clue where you got the idea that the PSP was lacking in game selection. O.o
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