Camble Blog
PS3 Friends
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Awesome Blog Post
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SUBTITLE: "What would you do if Zombies attacked?"
I was sort of blog hopping through GameSpot a few days ago and I ran across one of the coolest blog posts I'd seen in awhile. So, what else could I do but steal his (TVR_Fan) great idea.
Me, as you would see if you followed the link, I would drive my car through the front doors of Walmart, which is right down the street, and steal a bunch of guns, knives and ammo. Then if it was safe enough, that is if the zombie outbreak was not full blown, I would stop at a convenience store gas station, fill up on gas, steal tons of food and gas cans (using my guns of course) from the store, fill up the cans and head out to my uncle's house in the country. There, I would use his tractor to build a moat around his house, and I would camp out on his roof until the whole thing blew over.
I was thinking about what I would do if my friends and family "turned"; unlike most people in zombie movies, I would use my knowlege of zombies to my advantage, and tragically bash in the heads of my loved ones when they turned into zombies. You have to right?
So, what would you do, my only 4 or 5 readers of this blog?
by Camble on Comments
I am here to toot dcgames's horn. He made me this sweet Fifth Element theme. I went back and asked him if he could make a multipass for me, and at first he was all like, "Come on man. Don't take advantage of me; remember, I'm doing this for free". I apologized and told him not to worry about it, and a couple of days later he surprised me with this awesome image that I can use as a profile image and signature for forums:
What a guy. I'm thinking about printing it, lamenating it, and carrying it around in my wallet. But, I'm sure my wife would never stop making fun of me for it:). Anyway, if you're reading this dcgames, Thank You: You Da Man.
Oh yeah, I know your jealous. Beleive it.
Got the Hook-up
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I just got hooked up by dcgames with a whole new look to my gamespot page. All I did was tell him that I was a Fifth Element fan, and asked if he would make me a banner, and he did it, adding in a icon and a blog image as well. Thanks dcgames, it looks supergreen.
Go with God; be safe from evil.
Blockbusters Busts
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Lists are Fun!
by Camble on Comments
I made a list of Super Smash Bros Melee characters that I would like to see as surprise/secret additions to the game. It got me thinking about other lists I could make, and its sort of along the same line. Here is my top ten for characters deserving their own game:
1. Hiro Protagonist (from a book called Snow Crash)
2. Saigo Takamuri (the Last Samurai, but minus Tom Cruise please)
3. Jacob (from the Old Testament)
4. Sir Lancelot
5. Lestat (from Anne Rice's vampire books)
6. Stan (from American Dad)
7. Atreyu (from Neverending Story)
8. Ernest Hemmingway
9. Satan/Lucifer (from Paradise Lost)
10. Jackie Chan
Maybe most people won't be familiar with all of these, but some of them would open people's eyes to some things that they might gain an interest in. For example, gamers might get their first glimpse at some great literature, some real stories from the Bible, Japanese history, and a less doughy Jackie Chan.
So, once again, in the off chance that you are reading this, I love to be made fun of, so have at it. Let me know who else deserves a game. I know Chewbaca desrves one- it goes without saying, so you don't need to mention that. But, just know that I plan on doing a personality profile of you based on who you suggest- no pressure.
Who wouldn't want to Melee?
by Camble on Comments
Just a quick nod to all the rumors surrounding new playable characters for Super Smash Bros Melee. Everyone wants Sonic in the game, or they at least think he might be in it. I was thinking of some other cool characters to include,and here is my top ten:
1. Lil' Mac (PunchOut)
2. Harry Potter
3. Cap'n Crunch, Lucky Charm, or any cereal box cartoon
4. Shaq
5. Spiderman
6. Ash Ketchum
7. Buzz Lightyear
8. Your favorite Final Fantasy character, or Sora
9. The Famous Chicken that shows up at sporting events
10. Spyro
I can think of a ton of others (Crash, Frodo, Chewbaca, Bugs Bunny...). What do you think of my list? Who would you add? Get creative, make fun of me, and tell me to stop being impatient.
My Coroner's Report
by Camble on Comments
Victim: Camble
Cause of Death: Massive Trauma to the head, neck and chest.
Toxicology: High levels of Potion, Ether and Elixir; Dangerous levels of Hi-Potion; Fatal levels of Red and Green Herbs.
Coroner's Comments/Opinions: Victim's body was found torn to pieces in a manner common to most Monster attacks, although Zombie bite marks on the neck suggest possible gang related violence. Injuries from automobile accident do not seem to have played a role in victim's death, even though evidence shows his Ford GT crashed while travelling at speeds only achieved through Turbo acceleration. The deployment of the victim's bionic "spear-chain" indicates he was performing a Fatality, so his death might be the result of the suspect defending himself (evidence inconclusive).
Probable Suspects: Vince Young and Michael Vick; Nemesis; gang of Bomb, Adamantoise, Flan, Behemoth, and Chimera; Nazis; Sephiroth, Wesker, and Psycho Mantis; Kirby.
I've figured all you haters out
by Camble on Comments
So, all I keep reading about on this website is how bad the Spider-Man 3 movie is, and how much crappier the Wii version of the game is than the PS3 and 360 versions. Here's what got me thinking: the movie just broke all the box office records for first week, and the Wii (so far) has been wildly successful to the point of emptying nearly every shelf in stores. So why the hate? This website should be full of Wii fans and fanboys, and equally full of Spider-Man/Marvel/comics/action movie fanboys.
But, I've figured it out. You guys like to hate on the things you like. From what I can tell, you do this for two reasons.
One, you typically feel like a nerd for liking things like the Wii and Spider-Man. In turn, you feel uncool and unpopular. Therefore, you bash those things in hope of allying yourself with those who you percieve as cooler than yourself, that is, people who aren't writing reviews for these things on various websites.
Second, these things that you really love (Spider-Man and the Wii) are so closely connected to you and your personalities that you attribute your own self-worth to these things. Sadly, it seems that most of you think very little of yourselves, because you have clearly voiced very negative things about the things that were created for you and your fellow nerds.
I say this in the most loving way, as I too consider myself a nerd. The major difference between you and me is that I am proud of who I am. I like the Wii, and I like Spider-Man, and I like Spider-Man 3 for the Wii, and I like Spider-Man 3 the movie.
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