How was it possible that the Dreamcast failed within a year ?
1. better product came out (ps2)
What console is better than the PS3? some consoles might have more games for the moment but in terms of consoles. PS3 is CLEARLY the best.2. Lost alot of hype
PS3 has not tried to hype the system.. whens the last time you saw a PS3 commercial... if they were really feeling like they were failing, wouldnt they push it, dont you think theyd be throwin commercials left rite n center?3. Failer to meet expectations or even exceed them
In America, yes, but that is one country. What about Canada, Japan, Australia?Thats pretty much what is happening with the ps3 right now I dont see it failing in a year but I see it not meeting anyone expectations it was hyped to do.
Touche, but hype is something created by gamers with too much time on their hands, it has nothing to do with the company
Using your own topic, it is failing. It has not been adopted by a significant portion of the gaming market, and has not won the mindshare of it's target audience.Wouldnt the 360 be considered a failure because it does not sell well in Japan? Im sure MS would have wanted more than the small group of consumers they have captured in Japan... Im sure in that aspect it has failed to reachMS expectations and those of their corporate partners.So maybe saying it "failED" is a stretch, but it is "failING". I'm sure it has "failed" to meet Sony's expectations and those of their corporate partners.
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