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CamiKitten Blog

Yay Six Flags!

Got to go to Six Flags as our "field trip" at work lol. It was really hot but a lot of fun. Thought I'd share some pics :).





Hmmm a headset...and a complaint!

Hello fellow GameSpotters! :D I haven't written anything in a little bit but lately things have been on the fizzled/not so exciting side lol so there's just been nothing to report on my end XD!

I've made myself a whole new avatar and banner and whatnot for the fun of it, and a change of course. It's from the cute and fun anime Ah! My Goddess. I've finished watching 2 seasons of it and the movie. And love it's cute charm. It's a little girly if you guys ask :P.

Next on my list of topics is that I've finally broke down and ordered a headset *gasp, shock* for my ps3. So that's right, you guys and gals on my PSN Friends List will by sometime next week be able to hear me prattle on about stuff. Of course it's original purposeIS for when Fat Princess comes on on PSN to buy (IF THEY EVER DECIDE TO TELL US WHEN ITS BEING RELEASED OMFG). But I imagine it'll make LBP a little easier too. And if I decide to be brave and chance online activities with SCIV and RE5 lol :lol:. Course I prolly won't dare go into Home to chat unless one of you are there lol. Or I just might get kicked off Home for my bad verbal behavior. The last time I stepped in there (I think this past Saturday) some jerk had the nerve to ask out of the blue if I was...uh...wanting to persue some activities...if you get my drift. Course I got pretty p!ssed, explained to him how much of a pompous moron he was and left Home altogether. *shudder*

Nexton my list of mindless chatter for the day is gonna end in a complaining rant lol. I just wanna know one thing, why on earth is Splinter Cell: Conviction made for Xbox360 and PC only?! This absolutely hurts my heart. I've been an active Splinter Cell fan since it's origin. I own games from both my old GameCube and the PS2. I've loved 3rd person stealth and stealth shooting games since Syphon Filter (mind you that I have a hard time enjoying shooting games at all, besides these 2 franchises, RE and reluctantly Fallout lol). Heck I've even seen Splinter Cell: Double Agent rendered for the PS3. So what makes Conviction any different that they side stepped the PS3 altogether? I mean did Ubisoft get lazy? Are they console biased? I guess this wouldn't be a problem if I owned a 360. Don't get me wrong, I hold nothing against the 360 but I have3 firm reasons not to purchase one for now anyway. I just want to see Sam Fischer again on my tv.

Last on my list is that they had a short interview with one of the people responcible for Final Fantasy XIV Online. It's made me curious as to what's going on with this game. The person in the interview stated firmly that the gameplay will be completely different from XI. The only thing similar between the 2 MMO's will be the races you can choose from are similar (I did notice the galkan race had no tails in this one, but that's just the cinematic). My friend and co-worker Sandrock323 stated his wish that they make a hotkey section on the screen to enlist usage of a mouse to pickcertain actions/weapon skills/spells, ect. I'm not so certain on that. I guess I just really enjoyed the macro system from XI. It's functionality was easier then people lead it out to be, and didn't take up any screen room.There's just so many possibilities swimming in my head, it's boggling. I'm almost certain they're gonna take so many elements from WoW and possibly Warhammer to bring in the crowd. Which I guess is totally fine. I know a lot of people didn't have time or patience to mess with XI b/c of it's complextity. And SE might actually see that now after7 years :lol:. I just hope they don't pull out too much of what WoW was. They made that game so simple even a 7 year old could do it. That made WoW a snooze fest for me. *crosses fingers*

Think I've ranted enough :lol:


Somebody pinch me b/c I think I'm dreaming LOL!!!

That's right, a new MMO dedicated to the Final Fantasy franchise! I played FFXI Online for almost 5 years.... and basically had to quit for some interesting issues... But mainly b/c my poor server finally slowed down. It's depressing to be in a world all alone sometimes.

Could this be the answer?! I hope so! Somone may have to pry my fingers from the ps3 controller so I can go to work once this is released lol!

Is anyone else as excited as I am?!?!?!

Have a look at the new shiny logo!


It's a Friday!

Just wanted to wish all my fellow GS'ers a safe Memorial Day weekend.

Things are improving a little around here. I won't be going to part time status at work but keeping my full time 40hrs a week, so that's a major plus. Thank goodness, because the market for jobs around this area are very, very slim.

I'vebeen re-bitten by the Pokémon bug. So I've hauled out my old Leaf Green, Sapphire and Pearl (my husband has the opposites) :lol:. This weekend's plans are to finish Leaf Green and Sapphire since those are very close to completion. This is going to be a first for me since by the time I reach the Elite 4 I'm already bored and thru with the game. So I've put my foot down on this one. That way I'll be good and ready to own Soul Silver :lol:. Plus the never ending need to try and kick my hubby's arse on Pokémon Revolution on the Wii :lol:. Well that, and I think it would be neat to see most of them on the big screen ^^.

Has anyone else noticed the Best. Game. Ever.battles(2004-2006 entries)seem to be back on GameFAQs? Was pleasantly surprised when I saw that TES: Oblivion made the division finals.Of course then I was a little sad that Tales of Symphonia only made it to the second round, but it fought well. Surprisingly, Twilight Princessonly made it to round 2 also.

Anyway I best get back to work before someone notices I'm being bad XD But before I go, would like to share a small laugh or grin or even just an "Ewwww" with you all by giving you a brief glace at how marshmellows are really made! TTFN! *hugz*


Battlefield Heroes Beta Key

It was prolly wrong of me to even get one of these keys, cause I know for sure that my pc probably won't run it :lol:. So if anyone is interested in obtaining it.... I have an idea! 5th person to send me an IM will be the winner! So if you're looking into some cartoon Battlefield fun, better start sending me msgs....NAO :D


Tats and why I've been gone.

Well it's been a rough couple weeks to say the least ~ I just thought I'd finally spout off all the random things that have kept me from being on here as much as I would like...

First off, the company I work for switched emailing systems. When they did that it ate up all the bandwith. Sooo in actuality when I would try to bring up the GS page it would literally take 2 hours for it to load. It was insanely slow. Now they switched internet services so now it only takes half an hour instead of the 2 lol.

My mom recently had a stroke. Don't freak out like I did.She's just fine (according to her), but I had to take time to be with her to settle my own worries. Being an only child, I tend to freak out about her health and safety. Like, how I am VERY angry that they won't do anything about the blockage in her neck until it's at 75-78%. IT CAUSED THE STROKE TAKE IT OUT NOW!! Is what I'd love to yell at them. But since it's only at 25% it's just gonna sit there.

My car is broken. And out of commission for the last2 months. Argh.

Back to my freaking company. They're cutting a lot of people's hours in half. I'm included. So starting May 23rd, I'll only be getting 20 hours a week instead of 40....that's working 4 hours a day. Yeah not so happy about that. So now I have to make the decision to either stick it out too show off the coporates that they suck and made a horrible decision while looking for another part time job. I might be able to get part time at my hubby's tattoo shop. Time will tell. Or I'll have to start finding a new full time job.... Anyone know how to become a game tester? Lol.....

Plus the saddest news of all is that a friend of mine from college passed away this Friday. So his visitation and funeral services are today and tomorrow.

Today is my 5 year wedding anniversary too. What a way to ring it in... /sigh. Trying to make the best of everything.

But I did manage to squeeze in getting some art done on me Saturday. He colored in my mandragora so here's a very blurry pic considering I did take it from a digital. Grrrr. I hope others have had more sucessful luck then me lately. Q_Q How is everyone btw?

mandy with color

I haven't disappeared!

I know I haven't been around recently, I don't know if anyone's noticed. I haven't been able to do much about that...since I'm on the most while I'm at work. They switched to a new emailing system that sucked every bit of the bandwith where using the internet was impossible. But supposedly we're getting an upgrade soon and I can come back again. Other then that, my disappearance has been home/work related problems that aren't getting any better. So for now I'll just be in and out, not leaving, just won't be on often til things straighten out. Miss you all terribly.

Epic sleeve update

Finally got a freaking pic of the Final Fantasy Tactics bomb that's on my shoulder, thought I'd share with those who haven't seen it already in the union. :)


And he's finally fully healed as well. So once my artist's hand has fully recovered from his last week's injury I should be able to start back up again with moar ink this coming weekend. Mebbie.Depends on if my friggen car is fixed. D:

15 Random Things

About me. I got the idea from mprezzy. I think it's a neat way to let people know a little bit about you, quirky or not. ^^

1. I have in my life time bleached my hair and dyed it a bright fire engine red, and on a seperate time dyed it grass green. Not like the dark grass, but the kind that the landscapers have to spray paint that loud color. XD

2. I have 2 cats, Nova and Zelda. They are both absolute terrors as well as the biggest sweethearts. Zelda was named pretty aptly, she loves to watch the tv when I play games.

3. I'm originally a Missourian, though currently living in Mississippi.

4. Back in the day when I was in high school, just before my friend and I even had our drivers permits, we"borrowed" her parents other car while they were out of town and took a joy ride. They came home early and caught us. The car wasn't exactly one that blends in >_>.

5. I used to L.A.R.P. with a Vampire: The Masqurade group.

6. I've had both stitches and staples before.

7. I am a country bumpkin :lol:. I love to go barefoot anywhere.

8. I have a bachelor's degree in Social Work from Arkansas State University.

9. I went to the same school as the singer Cheryl Crow. Only many years later. I think she graduated in '77 lol.

10. I have double-jointed thumbs and can touch my wrist with them XD.

11. My favorite fantasy author is Melanie Rawn.

12. I've been married nearly 5 years now. On April 27 ^^

13. I've jumped off of a trellis (a wooden bridge made to hold trains) into water before. Only once. I actually do not care for heights, but it was done on a bet.

14. I've been to a couple of drag queen shows before. They're definately entertaining lol!

15. I love all things dragon related.