How so? 360 and PC users already bought it and ME1. You just get a little extra DLC if you haven't played it yet but you still don't get ME1.
Casboof's forum posts
Neither is Kinect. Both are rather uninteresting.
Then Crackdown isn't a shooter.
doesn't change the fact that its a shooter, uncharted 2's multiplayer alone proves that game is a shooter cause all you do is shoot for the most part. nope still not a shooter,and the classification from GS and ign agrees[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="TintedEyes"] its classified as an action/adventure check gamespot or ignTintedEyes
Well then Crackdown isn't a shooter either then.
There is no explanation except for people telling you that "its alright to pay it because its a way for microsoft to make money and they are not evil for trying to make money". Its the same thing that has been said by lemmings for a while now which still doesnt justify any value.
Lol if Sony had the chance to implement a subscription they would have. MS just did it first and Sony couldn't do it afterwards because then the PS3 would suffer in sales horribly.
[QUOTE="Anberlin_2004"]Yeah,,,, it's just PR spin, like Sony saying "PS3 it just does everything." lol!!"Halo is the biggest video game series in history and as a pop culture icon it's been called the Star Wars for the joypad generation," said Xbox and Entertainment director Stephen McGill.
I think he forgot to say "one of" because Mario has Halo beat by a landslide. Of course we all know that it's the director's job to forget about stuff like facts. :^)
Yep. Cows ignore that statement yet jump all over some stupid PR comments.
I wish I didn't have to pay for Live but MS wants money for what they do. Cows love to pretend that Sony loves them and wants to give them everything for free. Sony is definetly green with envy over the money MS are making with Live.
[QUOTE="ItsBriskBaby"] Metro 2033, Left 4 Dead 1&2, Darkest of Days, Far Cry1, Americas Army True Soldiers, Fear Files, Hour of victory, Call of Juarez, Shadowrun,History Channel Civil War, Prey, Sniper Ghost Warrior, Velvet Assain, Battlefield 2, The outfit, Ghost recon AWF, Deathsmiles, Crackdown 1&2, Infernal Hells Vengence, Raiden Fighter Aces, Lost Planet Extreme Colonies, Earth Defense force 2017, Bullet witch, ME 1&2, etc...ItsBriskBaby
A lot of those games aren't even shooters. Most are multiplats or ports, that sold next to nothing. The others varely qualify as shooters but i'd rather not argue.
We are looking for evidence that the 360 fanbase only like shooters, and the 360 library is made up mostly of shooters. A list full of multiplats and shovelware isn't really much evidence, especially when im sure the PS3 ahs tons of shovelware exclusive japanese shooters
Edit: If Crackdown is a shooter, so is the ratchet and clank series, andif Raiden Fighter Ace is a shooter, so is twistedmetal and wipeout
I also forgot Haze,Warhawk, time crisis 4plus some more
You need to look again because everything in that list is a shooter. If you don't like it to bad because that's its listed genre. Also don't start being nieve, if wipeout was a genre shooter then it would say so, but it doesn't it's a racer. Geez man fanboys will come up with the stupidist crap I swear.Really? You are the one calling people stupid fanboys while at the same time calling Crackdown a shooter.
Lol I love how all the PC gamers are getting all excited to own console noobs when they have a massive advantage. Console gamers would not lose because they are retarded. They would lose because you have a kb/m which is so much easier to use for FPS.
I am excited but please keep love/hate in the sticky.
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