MS is being lame about it but OP is just using a misleading title to get more attention which is pathetic. They never insulted Xbox Live itself rather the stupid rules that MS has in place.
Not going to happen. 1. Apple has no first party studios to speak of. 2. Apple would have trouble attracting third parties due to their controlling nature. 3. Pippin 4. Apple hasn't priced a single product reasonably in over a decade. Remember the reaction to Sony's 599 US DOLLARS debacle? Well, imagine that. Except Apple doesn't have a history of making great consoles. Or any big name intellectual properties like Ratchet, Jak, God of War, Gran Turismo, Ape Escape, SOCOM, Resistance, Killzone, Uncharted, LBP, etc to fall back on. As an aside, your comments about Nintendo are so far beyond absurd I don't even know where to begin.savebattery
Marcus is lame now and Kevin Butler was funny but now it is sort of old. His speech at E3 was good but I hate when ads bash the competition. The mac ads are horrible.
the thing people say are there are few UPCOMING exclusives, I played everything else now give me something new!
Have you really played every single Xbox 360 exclusive? Well if you have then just play multiplats because I haven't played half the exclusives on the 360.
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