Your xbox was on your driveway? I find that hard to believe.
Casboof's forum posts
Some of his points are just not true in the slightest. But quite a few of them are true but cows are never going to accept that.
Cool but there has always been more cows then anything else on Gamespot. Go make this somewhere that has more lems and 360 is going to win.
Just you. And I play my 360 more then everything else combined.
Yes. It was a good finale for Bungie. I can only hope that 343 will live up to Bungie's legend.
[QUOTE="WardCleaver02"]You're not casual if you play Halo and COD but without a doubt Halo and COD are casual games. 1. They both have pick up and play type gameplay 2. They both have short and shallow stories. Single play and difficulty are the criteria for a game to be hardcore and most shooters are casual especially COD and Halo.I hate to do this but...**sigh**.
Halo and COD are games for casuals? Halo, one of the most played games on Xbox Live, whose fans were still playing Halo2 right up to Halo 3's release. And COD, a game that also tops the most played games on PSN and Xbox Live. These are the antithesis of "casual". I understand that someone may not like these games, but attempting to belittle anyone who does by using "casual" in a deragatory manner is the epitomy of a very weak argument.
Why does everyone always assume Halo is casual? Yes it has a pick up and play type gameplay but when you start playing at higher levels come tell me it's casual. And the criteria for being hardcore have never been single play and difficulty. Half Life 2 had an easy campaign but is that game considered casual? Yes CoD's fanbase is mostly casual but Halo has a big mixed community.
[QUOTE="SilentlyMad"]So the console that is in second place only has those options? Great advice from a known big PS3 fan the same console that is in last place.1Stark1
Right now it is, but what will you say when PS3 inevitably pulls ahead of 360? It doesn't matter? PS3 is doing the impossible, keeping up with competition even though it launched at 600 bucks. I'd like to see the Xbox brand do the same lol.
Keeping up with the competition? More like desperately trying to get out of last place. I give Sony credit because they have pulled forward a lot since launch but coming in second place now means nothing.
Molyneux and his son can't even joke around without people getting butthurt about it. Haters gonna hate.
[QUOTE="Casboof"]Crystal ball argument never works. Not really a bomb, but it didn't top the chart like MW2 did when that got released.Bombs? When the community is still larger then most PS3 games 2 years from now you will eat your words.
Halo 3 is second on that list and it has about half the features. Reach will be strong just as long as Halo 3 probably longer. Last time I played WaW on my 360 I had trouble finding a game. CoD games die as soon as a new one is released a year later.
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