It has quite a way to go for that. I have never heard anybody ask if I wanna come over and play killzone 2. But people are always asking if I am going to be on Halo later, or CoD.
Casboof's forum posts
Oh god the amount of damage controlling in this thread from cows is hilarious walkingdream
Yep. A lot of damage control and I don't even want Kinect.
Yes just to spite the OP.
Okay cows nobody cares about graphic wars because the PC is going to win in the end. Stop trying to find a category to beat the 360 in.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="georgia_bulll"]and only play killzone 2 and uncharted 2. cause thats all you really get. Perfect example of Fanboy blindness... "OOHH you got nothing, you only got 2 games xbox is teh rulzor!!11"depends on how much you like Halo and Gears.
if you say meh to those2 franchises, then set forth to the sunset with PS3 and never look back lol.
read the post before his before you go ranting about fanboys.
[QUOTE="Casboof"][QUOTE="sam_nintendo"] That's not polish. If someone were to have asked which had more features, your post would have been an appropriate answer.sam_nintendo
Then what is not polished besides the Reach AI.
Nothing, Reach is a great game. The thing is Uncharted is just MORE polished, it's one of the advantages of having such a tight focus on the game's features.What about the game is more polished? If you are talking about the graphics then I would agree. If we are talking overall then I would say Halo: Reach.
[QUOTE="Casboof"]That's not polish. If someone were to have asked which had more features, your post would have been an appropriate answer.Reach. It has several features UC2 doesn't have as well as stat tracking on
Then what is not polished besides the Reach AI.
Reach. It has several features UC2 doesn't have as well as stat tracking on
[QUOTE="scottiescott238"]but Halo is consistently more played on xbox live...Eltormo
Since Halo reach,because all COD games had beat Halo 3,the first to beat it was COD4 barely a month after COD 4 was launch,considering that Halo is the xbox,and considering that Halo 2 was unmatched on the original xbox by any other game,and considering that Halo 3 came just 2 months before COD4 and was fresh when COD 4 launch is incredible what COD4 was able to do.
All 3 COD4,Waw and MW2 which was the current king pretty much since it launch up until a few weeks back,i say COD games are equaly as consistant.
No not at all. You can hardly find a match in WaW outside of zombies. CoD4 still has a decent population but still it has less then Halo 3. MW2 will probably drop off as well once Black Ops comes along. No CoD games seem to have staying power.
Uncharted 2 has far superior graphics but Halo: Reach is better overall. It has the content, gameplay, music and multiplayer going for it.
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