Castle_freak's forum posts
Also, I'd love to see all the little side characters in the sonic series meet their long overdue gruesome death!! The only character I can stand beside sonic is Tails; everyone else has got to go. Away with Amy, Big the Cat, Shadow or any other character that isn't sonic and tails!!
I know! they're whats ruining the sonic games. Sega just needs to make a sonic game with just Tails and Sonic (and maybe Knuckles.) those were the good sonic games.
NES: Castlevania
SNES: Super Castlevania 4
N64: Paper Mario or Legend of Zelda Orcarina of Time
GCN: Soul Calibur 2 or Legend of Zelda Windwaker
Wii: Metroid Prime 3 Corruption or Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Current collection:
Nintendo 64
DS Lite
Gameboy Color
Former items in my Collection:
2 Gameboy Advances
3 Nintendo DSs
Gameboy Color
Nintendo 64
No offense, but i hated Secret Rings. It was just all around weird with the whole Arabian Nights story and the screwed up controls. still, the sequel looks promising. the sword action sounds interesting too.
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