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Cathartic93 Blog

Need more space

I've had my ps3 since about summer of '08, and it has always been loyal (no f-ups or anything), but its hard drive is only 40 gig which used to be plenty, but now that a lot of games need to be installed, and my library keeps growing i'm forced to constantly delete stuff to make room for other, newer, less old stuff. The first time I maxed out my hard drive, it was mostly because i had crammed over 1600 songs and more than 300 pictures on it, and since very few games have the ability to implement the songs from my library into games, deleting them didn't bother me that much. A coupleof months went by before I inevitably had to start getting rid of something else. This time it was my demos that had to go.

You see, I have always enjoyed keeping all my games instead of trading them in (which i know a lot of people do). I get some weird satisfaction from having a large pile of games (even demos) at my disposal, and even though I may not ever play a lot of them again, I like having, if nothing else, the opportunity to revisit some old classics if I feel like it, but I digress.

So, after deleting over 10 demos, I had freed up enough space on my hard drive, and was ready to fill it up once more. The last game I played that required an install, was Heavy Rain. It told me I needed somewhere around 2gb of free space to proceed, and so I had to delete some more stuff. After uninstalling Batman AA, I had cleared just enough to install Heavy Rain, but I decided to get rid of some other things as well so this problem wouldn't occur in the near future.

Yesterday, my friend and I was bored and decided to play some good ol' GTA4, but guess what; I deleted it over a month ago.

The real issue for me isn't that they built my machine with a small hard drive, but rather the fact that fixing it is very expensive. Not only would I have to buy a hard drive compatible with the ps3, but if I wanted to keep my data (saves, trophies etc), I would have to invest in an external hard drive which would be a lot of effort for something as simple as not having to delete Sh*t every two months.

Final Fantasy XIII - Midway thoughts

The past couple of weeks had me occupied with FFXIII and i'm not even done yet. I feel like writing down my thoughts and opinions of the game so lets get to it. So far, I like the game, but there are certainly some issues and annoyances. Let's start with the story, shall we!

The story is very typical Final Fantasy stuff, and it has its up's and down's. The story is very fleshed out, and I can tell that the developers have spent a lot of time constructing it. The story itself is also pretty interesting with several unique elements and good progression. The downside is that everything is overly convoluted and as the hours fly by, I am left with more questions than answers. What is the difference between Pulse and Grand Pulse? Why are all these people after me (L'Cie) even though no one bothers my "boss" (Fal'Cie)? Why is there a bird living in the black guy's hair? The game does give you a some sort of encyclopedia I could consult, but I didn't come here to read a fuc*ing novel FFXIII, so don't make me. Other than that, the caracters are pretty generic. There's the silent one (lightning), the arrogant one (snow), the annoying one (vanille), the black one (sazh), the one with the weird accent (fang) and the bi*ch (hope). I'm yet to care about any of these people, and frankly, I just wanna give them a haircut.

The gameplay is pretty good, but sometimes it can be confusing what the best thing to do is. Also, some enemies can kill you with a single blow (boss fights especially), which makes for some pretty frustrating moments. I found that using buffs on your enemies works pretty good if you combine it with debuffs on your enemies. I kinda wish they would let you stick with one character, as six people can be confusing to work with.

So far the game is very linear, but it works pretty well. I've heard that things will start opening up a bit later in the game, but as of now it's mostly just linear paths with some branching here and there. I'm also a little bummed about how there is no towns. Every bit of shopping and upgrading is done at the save terminals and I don't really think that's going to change anytime soon.

Man, this is getting long, I better wrap this up. So to conclude, I like the game, but mostly for the combat. The story works even though I can't seem to figure it out, but it's nothing too special. I will most likely write a review of the game when I finish it. If I finish it.

God of War revisited

The past couple of days have been slow for me. With GoW3 coming up, I've been saving money so I don't have to wait to play it. I am usually quite careless with my money, which shows my anticipation for the game.

I haven't played the GoW games in a while, although I bought the collection back in November, I haven't really gotten around to play it ... Until now. When I first started playing, I didn't really expect to play it that much seeing as how I've finished the first game about a dozen times, but once I finished the magnificent intro sequence with the hydra, I couldn't put down the controller for the next 5 hours. What strikes me is how great a 2005 game holds up today. Sure, there are flaws, like how some spells are pretty much useless, and most of the game takes place in Pandoras Temple, but overall, it's a treat to play and the game is very polished, despite some minor issues.

The next day I began GoW2 which is far superior to the first one. Better puzzles, more diverse combat and environment, longer and many more. I spent roughly twice as many hours in this, than the first one, but the quality and entertainment value never seems to drop which is rare in these sort of games.

It's only a couple more days now until I get my hands on the third installment in the series, and I honestly can't wait. From the gameplay footage I've seen, this looks to be even bigger (scale wise) than the other, and with the advanced technology of the Ps3, It ought to be INSANE! I hope this is the end of the trilogy, and that Kratos will, finally, get his vengeance on Zeus himself.

I still don't quite get how he can kill the gods, though. Wasn't the big thing with the first game that he had to find pandoras box to beat Ares? Does the rules suddenly not apply, or maybe the developer just don't really care if it contradicts their own rules. Who knows, the Greek Mythology is messed up enough as it is, so maybe I should stop asking questions and focus on what really matters. Kicking some serious god damn ass.

Design choices in games

If you read my Darksiders review, I pick on War's outfit and attributes. This is something that annoys me with a lot of games today, they seem to try too hard to make everything look cool, when ultimately some of the design choices end up looking really dumb. War looks way too detailed, and his outfit is both impractical and probalbly incredible uncomfortable.

Say you kill people for a living (with swords etc.), would you be wearing what War has going on and be about as speedy and agile as a tank, or would you maybe dress light and focus on, you know, not getting fuc*ing hit by everything that moves. Plus how hard would it be to get dressed every morning. The fact that he even bothers is a true testimate to his stubbornness.

I mean look at other similar game protagonists like Kratos or Bayonetta. They don't F*ck around with armored cars strapped to themselves, or swords the size of my penis All it does is making War seem like such a wuss in comparison, which we can't have.

FFXIII decision

Yes, I have decided whether Final Fantasy XIII will be in my collection or not, but first; whats up with the name? I have been wondering this for some time now, and the fact that after more than thirteen games still chooses to keep the "Final" is really ironic and pretty funny. I guess Square Enix isn't too keen on removing such a household name as Final Fantasy, plus Another Fantasy would just sound retarded.

I like how the series has always kept the titles easy and consistent, contrary to most ongoing franchises who stops using numbers in favor of ridiculous names that rarely make any sense in the context of the game. This is frankly more common in movies than games, but it still occurs. Final Fantasy thirteen does sound a bit redundant, but at least it's not Final Fantasy: Lightning and a Black Guy. One small detail annoys me though, why do they insist on writing the numbers in roman? I guess one could argue that it looks cooler, or maybe that it fits the style of the game, but it's a pain in the arse to write down. I may be slightly overreacting, but typing 13 in roman requires me to press 2 1/2 as many keys (CAPS LOCK, X, I, I, I). The only positive thing will be when Final Fantasy 30 comes out.

I realize I went overboard and got kinda lost in my own head when writing this, and completely forgot what this post was supposed to be about, but here it is.

I am getting FFXIII, because a friend said if I didn't get it, he would come to my house and set my hair on fire.

Can't decide - FFXIII

Once every blue moon (whatever that means) a game, which I can't decide whether to buy or not, comes along. I've been on the fence with Final Fantasy XIII for a while now, but I can't decide if I wanna buy it. My first concern is the J before the R,P and the G. The fact that it is japanese means that there will be a lot of stupid haired children getting caught up in some evil plot by some other dude with just as stupid hair. JRPG's are usually filled with ridiculously ridiculous dialogue to the point where I wanna jam chop sticks through my ear drums.

So the story and the characters are the main issues for me. I haven't tried the combat, but it seems pretty solid for a turn-based system, though I have no real experience with turn-based games but I think I'll enjoy it.

So gameplay = Fine. But what about what makes RPG's an RPG, the role playing. Since there is no appearance customizing, the game relies on good skill customization, but I digress. What I find funny, is the fact that exploration and things to do beside the main story, is almost non-existent. So what makes this an RPG then? Maybe the J excuses it for everything a proper RPG should have, I don't know...

For me, the gameplay isn't enough reason to buy this game, but I may anyway. By tomorrow I'll probably have a proper answer.

Delaying release dates

Games being delayed seems to happen, at least, once a month these days. Splinter Cell: Conviction and GT5 have been delayed more times than I can count. Today I saw the news that Red Dead Redemtion and Mafia 2 is getting the same treatment, and it's really starting to bug me. If the game developers can't settle for a date they can keep, don't act like an indecisive prick just don't say sh*t you can't keep. What's bugging me, isn't the fact that I now have to wait a couple of weeks longer, but it's the principle. If they never announced a release date, everyone would assume that they are still working hard trying to finish the game, rather than some hardly working dipsh*ts with complete lack of respect to the players.

I may have gone a bit overboard with all this, but it's (in my opinion) a valid concern, and I hope this is just some dumb 2010 coincidence that so many games have been pushed forward.


Lost all of my Darksiders trophies after PS3's little f-up I'm not really a trophy-whore, but I feel robbed. Kinda like when my computer shut down and I lost all my music.

Ps3 issues

As most of ps3 owners around the world know, certain issues with the system prevents us from playing games at the moment. When I read about it, I was first relieved because it meant I wasn't the only one with the problem, then I was annoyed because I couldn't play any games on my ps3, but after reading further I realised it was quite comedic. I mean, the problem is basically that it would think today is the 29th of february instead of march 1. This would apparently cause an error within the system which, for some reason, would prevent me from playing games along with some issues concerning PSN aswell.

I wonder how the date could cause a glitch like this. Are they connected? If yes, why? It doesn't really matter to me, and I think I'll survive one day without gaming. Hopefully the clever guys at Sony will fix the problem as soon as possible, and I bet it's a pretty high priority for them right now.

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