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Cathartic93 Blog

Heavy Rain - Final thoughts

So I finished Heavy Rain today, and I have to say it really took me by surprise. Going into it I really didn't have too high expectations. The whole interactive drama seemed a bit boring to be honest, but that was fortunately not the case. I bought Heavy Rain mainly because i felt like this was a game I needed to experience, and boy am I glad I did.

The game didn't give much of a first impression, but after a couple of hours, it really picked up the pace and gave an experience like no other. I loved how the interactions felt so logical and well put together. Like when you turn a key or break a door open, the motions you would do seemed very much like they would in real life. it's kinda hard to explain, but I think most people who have played this game knows exactly what i'm talking about.

There are some plot holes, and I hate how the loading times only gives you a close-up on the guy- or girl's face, but these are only minor complaints in an otherwise superb game.

In an industri where risks can make or break an entire company, i'm glad to see that someone goes beyond what's safe and familiar to create unique experiences that wont be soon forgotten.

New keyboard = shait

If you are one of the three people who read my previous blog post, thank you, and if you remember yesterday I said I ordered a new keyboard from eBay. I got it in the mail today, but it does not work. I know baffling, right? Well not really, I paid 5 bucks for it so I pretty much had it coming. Fortunately though, I managed to pluck the buttons from it and attach them, somewhat successfully to my old keyboard. I could'nt get the "A" and the "O" buttons on properly, but it will have to do, at least for now until I figure something out.

Key conundrum

No not those keys, i'm talking about my keyboard. You see, it was a quarter past Christmas and I had this idea that it would be fun to switch my keys around and see if I still could type. It turns out keys can be very fragile, and once you nudge them out they won't always be willing to get back in. When I realized what pickle i had gotten myself into, it was too late and as a result, I was now five keys short. A few weeks later, at school, I bought a Red Bull from the school cafeteria and was surprised to learn how sticky that Sh*t gets once my friend startled me causing me to drop it, you guessed it, in my keys. I could not bear the stickiness haunting me every time I pushed the keys, so I got rid of them as well. Now i'm 12 keys short, but expecting to receive the spare keyboard I bought on eBay for $4 sometime tomorrow. There's no way that's gonna bite me inn the ass.

Slow down 2010

Seriously, i'm all out of money and the AAA titles just keeps pouring in. After an excellent year like '09 with so many games being released in the last quarter, I thought we were gonna have a slow start to 2010. Boy were I wrong. With titles like Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain, Bayonetta and more, with God of War 3, Battlefield: BC2, FF13 and MORE coming next month, I really don't know what to do. Where I live, new games are typically sold for 599KR (Kroner). That's more than one hundred US dollars. My point is, Reduce the cost of games where I live...Oh wait...

Quantic Dream are geniuses

Today I picked up Heavy Rain and was psyched to play it, but as with so many other ps3 games, an install was necessary. With the game, inside the box, was a little piece of paper covered with words and other small details. I figured I was supposed to fold it into origami, but since I, as most people, don't know how to make origami, it felt a bit pointless. It turns out, as the game installs you are given instructions on how to fold your paper into origami. I was baffled. Why have no one else tried something similar? Folding the paper was genuinely fun, and the installation went by in the blink of an eye. Kudos to Quantic Dream, and I hope they inspire developers to do the same (not literary).

Random collection of annoyances regarding xbox 360

Last night when i was dicking around with the features on my 360, I came across some annoying things. Like how instead of just spending money when you wanna buy stuff, you first have to buy Microsoft points which you spend on whatever you intend to purchase. Now that in itself is kinda retarded, but really only a minor setback. The problem is that yesterday, I was gonna watch a movie and it cost 480 MSPoints, I had 450. Naturally, I looked for an option where i could fill my account with 30 MSP. Unfortunately, it seems I wasn't allowed to do that. Oh, no microsoft said with his monocle and piles of money coming out of his ears, if you want more points you're gonna have to pay for the minimum of 500MSP. I'm thinking of renting another movie tonight, but i'm 50 points short, so i'll just stream it online. Not even five minutes after the aforementioned incident, I stumbled across a new piece of ox-manure. I had just payed for the movie and had the choice between streaming or downloading it. I decided to download it, but quickly changed my mind after I found out it took forever. Well, said Microsoft, are you sure you wanna do that? Well you can't. It is now 13 hours later, and it's at 14%. Fuuuu... Now it should be said that I live in Norway, and as with everything else, we're being F'd in the A, so I don't have access to netflix and have to settle for the Zune player. I'm pretty sure I had more complaints, but they say being retarded affects my memory, so I'm gonna go ahead and stop riiiiiiiiiiiight Here.
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