[QUOTE="CattiJack"]I agree, their lead guitarist is far from great, but hey it still sounds good and thats what counts lol. Anyway i have been playing for about a year now but i dont think i am going to be taking lessons anytime soon, im more of a "play guitar when i'm bored" kind of guy.I own a dozen! The music you're looking to learn is alot of one finger bar chords in drop D. With enough palm muting and economic picking to leave you thrashed. Their lead guitarist isn't as fabulous a player as you'd think. Sweeping, a skill which takes the utmost practice but in reality is just playing a chord slowly note per note, along with repeated identical arpeggios down the neck until it's over.
Don't put too much thought into things like theory when you first start playing. Your ear and muscle memory will get better each time you play, even if it's the same thing over and over. The more time you spend doing anything the greater a player you'll become. Instruments like bass and piano will look more and more familar as you grow.
There really isn't much to chords and scales except learning them. The more songs you learn you'll realize these tools are simple building blocks for amazing music.
Oh by all means they do sound very good. Criticizing any form of music is beneath me, the point I was going across was just from a long time player over speculating someone elses technique. In the end it's all the same for every player, but the lead guitarist for Avenged Sevenfold shouldn't be praised as an utmost guitar genius.
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