This is going off topic, but don't you think the process of procreation is ultimately pointless. The goal of every species is to survive, but for what reason? You say that men are wired to sread their seed as much as possible. After they've spread their seed, which results in a child that will eventually grow up, that child does the same thing: It procreates and starts the cycle all over again. The cycle goes on and on and on...but doesn't culminate in anything. It just keeps going and going and going...
You said it right there. The whole priniciple is to do it over again. Be fruitful and multiply. Yes the child will grow up and do as we did. But we arn't made to last and we get the very special experience to live as humans and have our own children. And living in the world today we are very fortunate. We get to select who we combine gene pools with and learn love and empathy from your child. It starts all over again but this time you are in another stage.
First there was nothing and nothing happened to anything and then magically exploded for no reason creating everything and then a bunch of everything rearranged itself for no reason at all self replicating into bits that make the order of nature today.
That means your PC isnt good enough to run it on high settings.
Try turning down your graphical settings, or the resolution. And live with playing the game on medium or lower settings. If you dont want to do that or that doesnt work, go buy a new PC.
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