@NeonicTrash: I'm grateful they didn't put American actors into the roles of Aladdin and Jasmine. Not trying to dissolve white actors but growing up that mostly all I ever saw casted in movies(with the occasional token non white actor). It's time we let others shine and hone their skills. I even want a redo of Avatar the Last Airbender that movie was mediocre
I like will Smith but he's a bit old can he even pull off the role with the same energy as Robin Williams. I dunno I'll wait to see his costume. Honestly Chris Tucker might have the energy we're looking for even with his higher pitched voice atleast I hope he still got it he went MIA in the movie biz ages ago.
@livedreamplay: I suppose that's acceptable though ps4 pro will feel like a meaningless upgrade. I suppose it'll feel right to those who bought a ps4 at launch. It's weird, I'm starting feel frustrated with these consoles. It's like Sony and MS don't know what they want to do. In an attempt to make these consoles affordable they hold back on what they really wanna do with se consoles and try to get us to buy again just because they made a modest upgrade. Even nintendo did it with 3ds, I wonder if they'll try it again.
@livedreamplay: I know it just seems silly to expect a new console next year. I think the 5 year format is perfect. I like my consoles but I just don't think they can keep bringing new iterations so often. And if they do there has to be some parity with the gaming libraries so it's an easy transition between upgrade.It's a real pain waiting for new consoles to reach a steady flow of games. At this rate I may have invest in getting a good pc and only buy a nintendo console. Hopefully ps now will include kingdom hearts.
Celsius765's comments